17 - Modern Human Sacrifice

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This pass few weeks had been busy as we're about to launch a new project. I've been having a lot of time with Xander and Kate which is kind of comforting. A new feel of environment I'm getting used to. I always make sure I kiss her in the forehead and not on the cheeks the way I used to because I think that's too intimate for us. Yeah because sleeping together is not. Correction: Slept once, oh yeah right we slept together more than once and that one time we didn't well let's say we made use of that time well. Orayt! One night stand. Of course. I've made it a point to have mouths or pússys to substitute my hand because that's just the way I do it. Classy I know. But with Kate? Well we have a son together so let's not complicate things. I really like Kate by the way. She's adorable. Always blush and looks shy but when she opens that smart mouth of hers she always makes me laugh. She seems to be getting closer with her colleague 'okay-guy at the restaurant' but she told me that they're just friends. Yeah right. But who am I to judge? I slept with different woman and they're not even my friends. We're good. Xander's our priority so it's cool. That friend of hers by the way? I don't think he stand a chance. Poor guy. Friend zoned. But if Kate decided to date again in the future? I'll just make sure the bastárd doesn't mess with her and Xander. They've become part of me in a way. I'm not gonna abandon Xander like some piece of shít. I may be some piece of shít at times but I ain't treating Xander like that. He deserves the best. I'm not going to be those irresponsible males who runs from responsibility. I've watched how my mother struggled with it. You messed up? It doesn't matter. You clean up the fúćking mess. Not that Xander's a mess. I'll never have to bother with having an heir now. That's kind of liberating in a way. Passing down what I have. Though I'm kind of anxious to take care that little monster. But hey I don't have to be anxious about settling down. Poor Ash. I beat him down. His parents are gonna grill him more to gave them babies now. I've graduated to the insistence of nagging parents. When are you getting married? You should start planning family. You plan to live a bachelor the rest of your life? We want baby. We want grandkids. Seriously? It's like we're neanderthals giving sacrifice to their gods. They're bored of their life so tormenting us just amuse them. They've lived the peak of their life and now wants us to have drastic change in our life. It's the modern method now of human sacrifice. We give thee our freedom gods of motherhood and fatherhood. Accept our offering our firstborn. Cue: slashing our throats out.

I never thought I'll be having a child so soon though. My mom's been bugging me about settling down and whatnots. I'm not ready for it. Just not. Good thing Xander came with Kate. And Kate? The perfect girl. I must have done something really good in my past life. Thank you God! It's like I'm settling down without settling down. Get it? Yeah that's just how it is. Perfection.

I'm glad mom persuade Kate to move. I know she doesn't seem to like the idea but apparently she can't say no to my mother. As it is she seems to be stalling things. Nonetheless she'll be moving this week or next week the latest. It's not rocket science. Why stay at her apartment if she can live luxuriously at one of my condos or Xander for that matter. My mom also likes her a lot but I think she scared Kate with her weird vibes. My phone pinged.

Kate: S.O.S. your mom is killing me!!


"Hey darling what do you think about this?" Sophie asked me.

"Wow, I think that's a very cool idea" we're now shopping for Xander's room though Matt can hire designer for this his mom insist that we should do it personally. So here we are, I think that's very thoughtful of her and sweet.

We're browsing and Sophie suggested for a businessman theme which I think is very apt for Matt. Some kind of CEO baby Xander is, his little clone. We've chosen navy blue, black and beige for the colors of room. We've also ordered customized design for Xander's bed. Now that I think about it, his room will look like a baby's bachelor pad. Nightmares of Matt's proclivities crossed my mind and I blocked it with all my might. He's not even 1 for heaven's sake! Complete with the large bed for a baby, well he'll grow up fast so that may suit him for a long time. And yep, the little squirt even has his own walk-in closet and he can't even walk. I'm pretty sure he'll grow up spoiled if things continued to turn this way.

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