18 - Call me baby

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Finally we're home! I'll never look at shopping that way again after Sophie. But the spa? Heaven on earth. And the dinner was also good.

Type type type.

I'm almost getting on the mission impossible thingy at the office. Egh! Saying that makes it look ridiculous. Anyway.

Type Type.

I wonder how Ash is going. He doesn't bother me like the usual.

Type type.

How is Matt?

Type type type.

I'm never going shopping with Sophie again.

Type type type.

"Papa!" huh?

"Papa!" Xander?

I run to Xander. "Hey baby" I cooed. "Mama!" he smiled. Then put his head on the side. "Papa?" awww.. is he looking for Matt? I pick him up then texted Matt.

Kate: busy?

"Papa?" Xander asked. I can't help but smile.

"Papa" Xander insist. Well well well. I grin. "Okay okay little man"

He replied after a minute.

Matt: y?

Kate: Xander. FaceTime?

He called then Xander squeals. Ouch. Matt chuckled.

"Hey buddy" Matt cooed which is kind of weird on my opinion since he looks so professional.

"Papa!" squeal "Papa" squeal "Pap-Pa!!" my ears bleeding. But the look on Matt's face? Gold. I know. I remember the first time Xander called me. But Matt's face? I can't believe it. So I pressed screenshot obviously. Haha! I know. Very mature.

"Aww.. how much cheque do you want baby? I'm writing it on your account now" Matt jokes but I can see he's hiding some tears. And he is blushing! Matt is blushing.

"You coming by?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he said. "Papa" Xander wants attention doesn't he now? Matt chuckled. "Okay buddy, I know you miss me. But I gotta go I just excused myself from my meeting" then winks.





What? Can't I have a moment? The meeting is barely sinking in to me. I have my secretary taking notes for me anyway. My phone buzzed.

Ash: Awww. You are so cute.

What the? Attached in his message is my photo screenshot from Kate. Why strawberry wants my picture doesn't she? I smirk.

Matt: You're just jealous. I'll get back at you and Kate.

Ash: Haha

I'm excited to see Xander. Of course. Kate opened the door.

"Hey strawberry" I kissed her cheek.

"baby Papa's here" she sings while chuckling. I feel my cheeks burning but is too happy to care.

"Xander!" I call.

Xander squeals. "Papa" he jumps on his walker. I picked him and toss him. I've been teaching him to call me that when Kate is not around because well. Shut up! Anyway we're having man time so we do stuff okay?

"Awww.." I scowl at Kate and she giggle. I like her giggle.

"Okay I'm cooking you're favorite. Sophie taught me last time we went shopping" okay she's forgiven.

"Fine" I say feigning annoyance and she just shakes her head. When she's out of sight I pull out Ash's picture from my phone and show it to Xander. He just looks at it then at me. I know. I'm such a thoughtful friend. I say "Uncle Ash" then points at the picture. He just stares at me. "Papa" then grabs my hair and pull it. Okay not working. I'm turning in to a masochist. Him pulling out my hair and me grinning as he calls me Papa. Shame.

Kate cooked my favorite. Grilled baby ribs in garlic sauce. I remember Ash telling me he wanting to marry Kate because of her cooking. So not pondering on that thought. We had buko pandan for dessert. How she manage all these cooking and work? A wonder. So I clean up while Kate relax as I insist then we bath Xander together. I'm still afraid to bath him alone. Scary things you do with babies? Shiver.

We are watching the television or rather me and Xander as Kate is typing endlessly on her laptop when we hear a doorbell.

"Who is that?" I asked her while Xander yawns.

"I'll go get it" she says.

"Hey! How are you?" I heard Kate.

"I miss you too beautiful" says Ash. I roll my eyes.

"Dude!" he greets me.

"Dude" I greet back.

"You live here now says Rick?" he says amusedly.

"Hey there little man!" he cooed to Xander.

"You having man time with Papa?" I blushed dámn Ash! and he laughs. The fúćkér. Xander laughs then point at him. Looks at me then point at him. Squeals. What's with his squealing? "Áss!" he said pointing to Ash. "What?" Ask Kate.

"Áss!! Áss!!" he yells. And now it's my turn to laugh. Hard. Kate looks like she wants to laugh but is frozen by shock.

"Well I see his your son for a reason" Ash scowled but you can see his smile.

"Kewl Áss Coool" he jumps on my chest.

"Well that's right, I'm some fine cool áss baby" Ash says earning a slap from the back of his head from Kate.

"Ow baby mama!" Ash rubs his nape.

"Don't teach him that! He's not even a year old for pity's sake. I'm pretty sure he means 'Uncle Ash' you know" Kate tsk.

"Fine fine mama!" he raises both his palm then reach for Xander. He played with him a little while we chat then Xander started crying cuing his sleep.

"I think he's sleepy" Kate pick him up "I'm just gonna put him to bed" she smiled. Aww man I'm missing bedtime... you know I just love putting Xander to bed.

"So how are things coming by?" Ash asked wickedly.

And Xander strikes again! 😁
Short chapter though? 😙

Dedicated to @luckydog13 .. a new commenter on my story.. yey! thank you. ❤️

- E. L. Jay

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