19 - Said it too fast

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"Why are we even having a meeting for Xander's birthday?" Kate asked in disbelief. "Can't we just talk it at your house or mine or at the phone like normal people do?" she whined.

"I'm sorry Kate I have a lunch meeting and since you have more convenience in your time, it's not rocket science that you're the one who have to adjust to my schedule"

"That's very gentleman of you Matt" she scowls.

"Come on strawberry, it's convenient for you too since you just had a meeting from your work and have a.." I look at my watch "..an hour before you continue being a sexy techy at your work" she raise a brow at the word sexy.

"And how did you know so much about my schedule?" she asked.

"You told it to me the other day remember when we are putting Xander to bed" I shrugged and her face softens with a little tinge of blush. Did I forget you I love bedtime? Pun intended of course. It's me your talking about.

"Oh yeah, right of course" she replies as she bit a piece of her steak.

"So if you don't mind signing these papers regarding his name" she drinks from her juice then wipes her mouth.

"I'll look on it first, I know you have good intentions with these but you know Xander is also mine and we have to.." I cut her off pinching both of her cheeks making her blush. Haha. It's so fun to pick her.

"I know strawberry, we share him. We did a lot more of sharing the night we made him" I grin and she tossed her napkin on my face.

"You're an áss you know?" I shrugged. "I didn't know you have an obsession with my áss and all" I continued.

"URGHH!" she lifts her hands. "you are impossible" I just chuckled.

"Just eat, I don't want you skipping meal, what do you want for dessert? Their tiramisu here is awesome, you can make me one just like it you know? In dark chocolate because that's my favorite" Ash was right. Strawberry is one fine cook. In case I did not put emphasize enough. one FINE sexy as hell cook. I imagined how sexy she put things to the oven you know?

"Tell me when did I become your slave?" she pouts. Fine! You know me well. I can't just pass that slave pun! Now I'm pouting on my mind.

"Stop whining already and eat" I know she looks like she's complaining but she relaxes whenever I ask her of something. I don't think she's comfortable with the notion of owing me something not that she has but the way she always stiffs whenever we talked about the apartment they moved in to? I'm good at reading people, that's what you learn from when you have to survive on the business world. So I annoy her and ask things whenever I want to, to ease her and to be entertained of course. I'm one selfish bástard. It's a sin not to torture strawberry. She's just so adorable.

"Hey Montague! Fancy meeting you here" Mr. Walter, one of my business partner I am currently courting with my project greeted me with his wife.

"Hey Walter, have a sit. I see you have here a lovely lady blind enough to call you husband" I flash my smile that I usually do to charm people and ahem ladies that usually work on my way. He laugh with me then looked at strawberry.

"Hey who do we have here?" he said.

"This is Mr. Walter here with his beautiful wife" then I gestured to Kate "Kate, a dear friend of mine"

"Mr. and Mrs. Walters" she shake their hands.

"Well well well Montague" Mrs. Walter looks like want to fish more information out of Kate for what? Hmm. I was about to save strawberry when she butt in

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