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Betta: fighting fish. any of several brightly colored labyrinth fishes of the genus Betta found in Southeast Asia. 

Every night, Amy dreamed of a magical river with magical fish.

The fish jumped in and out of the river in all different colors of the rainbow. Each fish, hell each scale, was breathtaking. There was one fish, however, that was particularly breathtaking.

It was the only silver fish in the river and Amy could tell that while the whole school of fish was magical, this one was especially so.

Every night Amy fed the silver fish some worms when he jumped out of the water, and every night the fish snatched it out of her hand.

One night the fish asked her, "What is it that you desire most in the world little one? You have been so kind to me, feeding me every night, I would like to return the favor."

The girl thought for a minute and then asked the fish, "Can all of my dreams be this magical for forever?"

"Alright, for as long as you shall dream, you will dream of this magical land, Qura," THe fish declared."

Amy did not know that this would turn into a curse.

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