Chapter 3

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Wills POV
I've lost so much sleep. I sleep in the infirmary on the couch next to Nico waiting for him to wake up. I sit there watching him and taking care of him. And I'm always talking to him. Once I tried to write him a poem but I'm really bad at poetry. Finally it got as good as it was going to.

I miss you so much
I'll never forgive myself
Wake up soon death boy

"I'm sorry I suck at poetry. Nico I'm so sorry. Truth is- I- I like you Nico. I like you more than a friend. I've had my eye on you for a while and I like you. I know you probably don't like me back. I mean I doubt you're even- you know." I looked down and started to cry. Truth is I'm still having trouble admiring I'm-I'm gay. But Nico made it easier. When he's around I accept it more. But it's hard being different. But if Nico and I could be different together... Then different wouldn't be so bad.

"Gods Nico I don't even care that I'm blubbering please wake up." There was a knock at the door. I got up wiped my tears and answered it. It was Piper.

"Hey Will I came to check on Nico. How is he?" She asked. I held back my voice so it didn't sound like I was crying.

"He's good. Nothing's going bad he's just well he's in a coma so he's not really here is he." Oops. My voice cracked on that last one, I tried to hold back my tears but one ran down my cheek. Great Will you're not only crying Infront of Nico but Piper too. She's gonna think you're weird.

"Will... Are you okay? I didn't expect this to be so hard on you."

"Oh just you know um taking care of Nico and it led to this." I was crying now. Yep.

"Will I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, I can tell you have some kind of feelings for Nico. It's okay I won't tell anyone." She smiled and sat next to me. After a few minutes it was time for breakfast. She asked if I was going to go.

"I'll be up soon. I just wanna clean up before I head up." She left. I sat on the couch. Then paced back and forth. I did this for a while. I'm not hungry I'm too upset to eat. I'll just go at lunch.

--------------later in the week ------------
Nico had been in a coma for 3 weeks today. I've left the infirmary twice: to get Nico clothes and to get me clothes. I've barely eaten but I can't while Nicos like this. I've showered maybe 3 times. But I don't care I need to be here on this couch. I decided to get another pillow for Nico. I stand up and walk to the closet, and find a nice blue one. I smile as I walk back in his room which is located in the back of the infirmary since Nico likes privacy. As I walked in his room I suddenly couldn't walk too well but I ignored it. I got really tired and my vision was blurry so I lied on the floor with the pillow under my head. Then I saw nothing.
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