Chapter 16

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Wills POV
I had to let him shadow travel. It was either that or get in serious trouble. Shadow traveling was weird, and I didn't like the feeling. I opened my eyes and we were in the city, next to everyone else and thank the gods Nico was still holding my hand.

"Nico?" I said lowering myself to his level. His eyes were open, that's a good sign.

"Tired..." He managed to say groggily before almost falling. I caught him, and was relieved.

"You're alive and conscious, a little sleepy but I can handle that." I said to him. Jason and Piper gave me concerned looks but I have them a look telling them I would explain later. "Can you walk?" I asked him. He nodded and began to walk but he needed me to support him.

"Okay, where's this hotel?" Piper asked.

"It should be just around the corner." Percy answered. Percy and Jason led the way, followed by their girlfriends, then Leo and Calypso and last us.

"Nico you are going slower than a snail let me carry you." I said quietly to him.

"Nooooo I can walks." He said half awake.

"Ugh fine." I only lasted five minutes before picking him up. "Nope I don't have much patients." Nico must have been too tired to respond.

We finally arrived at the hotel, it was a nice hotel too.

"Hello we'd like four rooms please." Piper said to the desk man. I smiled to myself knowing Nico and I would share a room.

"I'm assuming you would like them on the same floor and general area yes?" The man said.

"Yes please." Piper responded. He handed us our key cards, we had the top floor.

Nico and me's room was all the way at the end of the hallway away from everyone's. In fact, no ones rooms were super close. I unlocked the door and walked in. It was huge, like extremely nice. A huge bathroom with a bathtub and shower, a really nice kitchen area, and one big kind sized bed. I laid Nico on the bed since he was already asleep on me. He's in jeans, and I don't like jeans so I took them off of him and put him in a big tshirt. I tucked him in laid next to him and went to sleep laying my head on him.

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