Chapter 19

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Nicos POV
Getting tickets for the mortal top of the Empire State Building is hard, and expensive!

"We've been waiting in line forever!" I complained to Will.

"Well I'm sorry but number four is the top of the Empire State Building. And if we start here we can see everything else." Will said wrapping his arms around me from the back. We stood in line like that for a while, and the funny part is I didn't care. I didn't care what the people around me thought, I was happy just being with Will.

"Finally! We're next." I said smiling up at Will. he leaned in and pecked my lips. I quickly looked around, waiting for someone to say something. No one did.

"What?" Will asked pulling away. He looked slightly hurt. I gave him a confused look. "Are you embarrassed to be with me?"

"No! Not at all! I love being with you. It's just, this is the first time I'm showing the world outside of camp who I am, and I'm nervous that people aren't gonna be like they are at camp."

"Oh. Well look people aren't gonna be like how they are at camp, but screw it if they don't like us. Most people are fine with it. If I want to kiss you in public then I will. But only if you're okay with it."

"I am perfectly fine with it." I said smiling. He kissed me again, and then it was our turn to get in the elevator to go all the way up.

It was us two, a boy and girl couple, a group of friends around our age, and a few adults on the rise up. Will and I held hands, standing really close to each other. We were in the back of the elevator so as Will leaned up against the wall, I leaned against him.

"Tired?" Will asked.

"A little not much. I'll be fine for the rest of the day."

"Well tell me if you need to rest." He said really concerned. I looked up at him and he pecked my lips. Some girl around our age gave us a dirty look. I thought it might be because of PDA, but the straight couple were doing way worse things than us. I suddenly let go of Wills hand, didn't lean on him and got extremely self conscious. I looked at the floor the whole ride up not saying a word.

Will on the other hand was not so self conscious about the girl with dirty look. He turned me around and kissed me hard this time, for a good 10 seconds. Then out his arms around me from behind resting his head on mine. I looked at the girl and she was looking at us uncomfortably, and I'm pretty sure Will was smiling right at her.

The elevator opened and we all got out, Will and I last. Will didn't say a word about what happened in the elevator.

"Look how pretty the view is." Will said taking me to the edge.

"Yeah it's really nice." I said looking at the girl who strongly disapproved our relationship.

"Nico, don't let that girl get to you. Who cares what she thinks. If I want to show you're mine I will." He said. "If we make her feel uncomfortable that's her own fault he said smiling deviously. I smiled back and kissed him.

"Now, we should get that picture, I don't like to lose." I said playing with my skull ring.

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