Poem: A Slice of Time

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Rotting or nearly expired pumpkins
In the empty farm lot
Lined by a super busy road and
broken, uneven sidewalks
Not swiping the news, so stomach's not tied in knots
Vowing to make an impact, giving 'er all I got

Life on the flatlands, buying time from future floods
It's a tall order when your bottom line is anchored in mud
The mountains stare down as if to condescendingly judge
We are Conservatives, only the stock market and our waistlines should budge

Two eagles vie playfully with each other mid-air
Over a grassy field tended by hobby farmers with tender loving care
The eagles are many on this sunny Sunday afternoon so rare
This is nature's way of hosting a free open air fair

I call my son, sister and wife to fill up the time
And after a driving coach car ventures south then north and I wonder why
A dog barks as I pee in grass not repeating my shoe crime
A couple klicks more to Golden Ears Way I bravely climb

This slice is fine, this grain of sand in the hourglass
As I enjoy cool breezes and the sight of green grass
No sidewalk here so I hope a texting SUV doesn't clip my ass
Better to melt into my sofa than their uber-techno dash

Luckily poetry speeds up the journey
Just watching my step lest I end up on a hospital gurney
Or at the cop shop pleading for my right to an attorney
I'll always remember what me mammy told me while I was 3 on her knee

~ Gunnar Våken

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