Poem: Election Day

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It's Election Day
And we're in anticipation
That things may get
Better or get worse
Unlike many lands
We have a chance to vote
Either in busy schools
Or quiet regional offices
At first

Do we give a s***
About climate change,
About storms
Wiping out family, friends
Or strangers?
Or do we only care
About our own
Profits and pocketbooks,
Our own personal

Do you want
Mega-corporations in charge,
Or do want leaders
Who can tell them to
F off?
Do you want to live
In a captive state,.
Or one where
We can become
Better off?

It's Election Day
And I recall
My Pop would vote
For the best looking
Myself, I often vote
To keep bad guys out
Or to force ones there for long
To abdicate

Don't make that mistake
To vote purely for self-interest
Try to learn the concept
Of the greater good
Some leaders are in it
For power and money
And a few others have luckily graduated
From childhood

I don't pray, or else of course
I'd be pleading that
My pick wins
Like others, I stay glued
To screens
Cheering for my fish
To swim past the others
And maybe grow some
Extra fins

~ Gunnar Våken

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