Returning back to work

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It was morning and I went back to the stadium, I was nervous of what happened yesterday and thought it would happen again. I entered and no one was there, Just Terry sitting down in a chair with his phone. He turned and saw me in the entrance...

"Hey, (Y/N)!"

"Hi Terry, Everything ok?"

"Everything is fine, Why?"

"Just asking."

He came up to me and like what he said yesterday, He was going to introduce me some people around the stadium. He grabbed my hand softly and we went down stairs all the way to a room, Then I saw 2 men.

"Hey look! a woman!"

"Who's this lady, Bogard?"

"She's (Y/N), Our new manager for the stadium. She helps with the participants in tornaments now."

"Manager, You say?"

The men looked cultured, There was one with long yellow hair and one who looked strong and fast. Both of them welcomed me....

"I'm Joe! Joe Higashi! Nice to meet ya!"

"My name is Andy Bogard, It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Andy here is my younger brother, We both look alike."

"No we don't."

I chuckled a bit and one man came out of no where, He had a tiny book and was reading it. He then caught his eye by me, He closed his tiny book and said:

"Oh! Who's the girl?"

"Hi Shingo, This is (Y/N). Our new manager!"

"Really? I mean! Our new manager?"


"Well, Its nice to meet you (Y/N) Chan!"

"Nice to meet you too, Um.."

"Shingo Yabuki."

He was nice and a bit shy for no reason, What's the problem? He had a white ribbon tied beneath his hair and a blue yellow button jacket. He's a bit...Cute.

"Who's the beautiful woman?"


A man with yellow straight hair and earrings came up and was a bit funny looking, His hair reminds me of wheat.

"Oh! Benimaru! This is (Y/N), Our new manage-

"I know. She's very pretty..."

"Um, Thanks."

"This is Nikaido Benimaru. He gets a bit fancy by his clothes, Doesn't he?"

"Yes, He does."

Benimaru looked a bit stylish over the clothes he wears, But made me laugh a bit. His earrings looks good...

The men wanted to put on a brawl out in the field, Then I saw Kyo out in the field with the man that I saw yesterday...


It was Iori, He had purple flames in his hands. Kyo also had flames in his hands, I was a bit worried about last night...

Don't worry about my face....

Then I heard the conversation out in the field, Oh geez.

"You ready to beam this up, Yagami?"

"Yes! With your death!"

Kyo and Iori were slashing eachother with flames, Iori attempt to punch him in the stomach but Kyo didn't get him to do it.

"(Y/N), These 2 are fighting for the Canine spirit tournament next month."



When the fight was over, I had to go to a dojo for my next job. I waved goodbye to the guys and went off, But that "Yagami" was looking at me. He also smirked.....

(Author: I should stop saying "Then" in the story.)

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