Battle Of Kiev

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Different by the battle of Minsk, this time Aleksei and his crew lost their tank because of the explosion caused by an American anti-tank gunner.

" Sergey, what just happened?" Aleksei asked.
"Our tank has been shot by an anti-tank gun!" Sergey replied.
"Okay Sergey, tell the crew to take their AK-47.We're going to fight without a tank." Aleksei said.
  "What? You are crazy! They are using tanks, rocket launchers, and helicopters! How are we going to survive?!" Sergey yelled at Aleksei.
"Trust me. I will cover all of you." Aleksei replied.

And then they fight the Americans just with an AK-47 and injured one of the crew member.
  "Anatoli! Get the first aid kit! Alexander is bleeding alot!" Sergey told.
  "Here! This is the first aid kit!" Anatoli gives to Sergey.

  In the battle, both the Americans and the Soviets had big casualties, mostly for the Soviets but because of their effort, they've won at Kiev.


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