Eastern European Front

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The USSR has managed to push back the USA and their allies and now advancing to Poland. Aleksei and his crew are now fighting in a tank again.

"Ah, it's good to be on a tank again, atleast better than walking." Alexander said.
"Yeah, so much better than walking." Anatoli replied.

After a few minutes of patroling through the half-captured city, Aleksei saw an American helicopter shooting to their direction.

"Sergey, i saw an American helicopter! Shoot the helicopter now!" Aleksei yelled

Sergey then shot the helicopter and the helicopter fell to a building next to their tank.

"Uh, that was a nice shot!" Aleksei complimented to Sergey.
"Yeah, thanks." Sergey thanked.
"Aleksei, i see an American M1 Abrams." Anatoli said.
"Another M1 Abrams? They surely love to use the new tank." Aleksei replied.
"Oh Sergey, shoot it please. We wouldn't want to risk our lifes getting shot by an M1 Abrams, didn't we?" Anatoli said.

After captured the whole Poland, They were assigned to their deadliest battle, they were assigned to capture Berlin, where all the American and NATO troops were placed.

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