cybor bully

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Rilakkumas POV

I was on top of korilakkuma pinning her."I am going to have to mark you so no boys do that again" "rilak...what do you mean?"I ignored Korila and leaned over to her neck.I started looking for her weak spot.when I found it I started licking,biting,and sucking.i heard her small little moans they were like music to my ears.I heard someone knock on the door.i sat up and got off of korila.i went to the door and opened it.I saw kiiro standing at my door way."can you guys be quite I'm trying to sleep" "well I'm sorry that's what happens when you pick up a CHICK"i heard korila laughing at my joke.Her laugh made me blush."whatever just be quite" "ok sorry" I closed the door and walked over to my bed.I layed next to korila and wrapped her in my arms."maybe we should sleep I am getting tired" "yeah".I turned off the light and layed back down."I love you"crap why did I say that."love you too"i heard her say.those words were stuck in my head till I fell asleep.I woke up the next morning to find korila gone.She must have woke up and gone down stairs already.i got up and stretched.I opened my door and went downstairs to the smell of eggs.I saw korila cooking.She makes the best eggs in the world even better than my moms I have to admit.

korilakkumas POV

I saw rilak by the door way.i blushed and I remembered about the stove.O ran over to the stove and turned it off.i walked over to rilak and kissed him on the cheack.i saw him blush and I blushed too."eggs are ready if you want any."I sat at the table and opened the laptop.I was looking on Instagram and i saw a photo that made my happiness go away.I guess rilak noticed because he was looking at me like I was talking to him."what's wrong?"rilak asked me.i was too heart broken that i couldn't speak."I....I need some air".I said than i walked outside.I sat behind a tree like I was hiding from everyone and started crying.

Rilakkumas POV

I was wondering what happened to korila that made her so sad.I didnt like to see her sad.I walked over to the laptop and what I saw shocked me.A picture of korila from her high school year book.There were words around the picture that said slut,dumb bear,hoe,heartbreaker,cheater,fatass,asshole,dumb ass girl,could get a boy every valentines day.These words got me pissed.I looked at the profile to see who said all these mean words about korila.I saa that it was korilas ex boyfriend.I had enough of him.when they were still together korila would always tell me that she felt unsafe around him and she was too scared to break up with him for personal reasons.he was hurting her lne time so I had to go to her house and save her.thats the whole start of us becoming roomates.I slammed the computer shut and ran up to my room.I grabbed my gun and went out to where korila was.I saw her crying behind a tree.I grabbed her by the wrist and led her to my car."Rilak what are you doing?"I ignored korila and drove off"we are gonna teach this fucker a lesson not to mess with you"i said in a pissed off way.30 minutes later I parked outside his house and grabbed my gun."Come with me I wont let him hurt you"I said so korila could trust me.we both came out of the car and I knocked on his door hiding the gun behind my back."Hello?"I saw a kuma open the door and I pushed him on the floor and told korila to get the tape.She did as I asked and I taped the guys hands together.I sat him in a chair and I punched him.I was so angry.I grabbed the laptop and opened it to reveal the post he made."can you tell me why you did this?"I asked.There was no response."I said can you tell me why you did this?" response again.I was really getting annoyed."I SAID TELL ME WHY YOU DID THIS GOD DAMN IT?" He looked at me with a glare trying to scare me but he was failing.

Korilakkumas POV

I knew what Rilak was trying to do.I saw rilak point a gun at my Ex."Rilak...let me try..."I said as I walked over to my ex."Tell me you you did this or Els-" I got cut off by my ex"or else what?"I pulled out a button and I saw him freak out"ok ok I'll tell you....ever since you walked out that door I wanted you cause I was lonely I just wanted someone..i was so desperate than i had an idea that If I said mean stuff about you that wasn't true o one would like you and I would get you back".what my ex said surprised me but I knew he did it and he thinks I would go back with him after he said all that shit to me in public social media.....ha he can shove it up his ass.i press the button and he started screaming in pain.he groaned and scream until he stopped dead silent.he was in a coma but not for long.Me and rilak left and we went back home.once we were there we saw that kiiro wasn't home."where is kiiro?" "idk".

Rilakkumas POV

We walked inside and I pushed korila on the couch.I was finally alone with her and i wasn't gonna ruin this chance.i kissed her passionately and she kissed back.I entered my tongue in her mouth and explored every little bit.we stopped kissing and I went down to her neck.I looked for her weak spot until I found it.I started licking,biting,and sucking on her neck.I rubbed my hands on her side and she started moaning softly.I felt her hands travel down my chest and to where the place that should not be mentioned.she started rubbing and I started moaning.

I'm gonna stop here cause the chapter is getting kinda long.Happy valentine's day I hope it was better than mine.

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