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Brandon's pov (4 months later)
It's been 2 weeks that me and Charlotte split again. This time I told her I'm done and cut her off completely. These past months I haven't been around much.

I'm either at the studio or stuck in my room. I miss Aria even though she's in this house. The only time we've crossed paths is when we walk out our rooms. Our rooms are connected by a bathroom but sometimes we leave our rooms at the same time but all she does is speed walk away from me before I can say anything.

Right now I'm just laying on my bed looking at the ceiling, hella bored.

I hear Aria go into the shower and I just try to sleep to the sound of the water soothing me. But then I hear a loud thud and I sit up fast. I walk over to the door listening

Arias pov

It's been a long day. I just need a shower and I can sleep. I hop in the shower and do my routine. But I guess when I walked out I stepped wrong cause I almost land on my face, I managed to catch myself and try to stand up but I feel a sharp pain in my foot.

"FUCK ow ow ow" I say hopping to the counter but I hear a knock.

"Aria you okay? Open the door I can help"

"Um I think I'm okay I just need to walk it off I think" I say trying to step in it again. But it didn't work cause it felt like hell

"SHIT no no that's not gonna work" I say "shit man I think I broke it... fuck"

"Open Ari let me help you"

"One sec" I grab my towel and wrap it around my body and hop to the door and open it. Brandon looks me up and down taken aback. But quickly snaps out of it to see my foot.

"Um- I- okay here let me put you on the counter" he says picking he up and helping me. His hands on my body makes me shiver man. He goes to slowly raise my foot and I wince

"Sorry sorry, shit it's already bruising and swelling, I think it is broken Ari I'm gonna have to take you to the hospital"

"Ugh do we have to? I hate just waiting there"

"Yes, love it's getting bad the longer we wait we have to go now" he said and I tense when I hear him call me love. He kind of notices but I break the tension

"We'll get out b I have to change I'm not having those doctors see me all naked this is to precious for anyone to see" I say

He chuckles "your right no one can see you like this I'm the only exception"

"Haha only because I'm hurt now get out" I say playfully pushing me he takes my hand in his for about 5 seconds and leaves

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