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Today went extra slow and I've been really frustrated and stressed from working, my manager for modeling has been an extra ass and I'm actually thinking of leaving them but I still have a month left on the contract (i don't actually know how modeling contracts go so... just go with it I'm trying my best lmao)

I came quickly home to eat something because I've been disgusted by fast food recently. I made some quick food and sat down before I had to rush off to meet with Eric.

Zion and Brandon walked in laughing and talking.

"Hey" Brandon said and zion waved happily at me. I groggily said hi and dug into my food

"Not a good day?" Zion said sitting on a stool across the kitchen counter that I was sitting at.

"Nope another busy day I hate this" I say

Brandon sits across from me and says "can we hang in a bit I wanted to watch some movies maybe"

"Sorry b i can't i have to eat quickly and go to a meeting I'm gonna take a while I'll make it home a little late" I respond

"Really again?? I wanted to really spend some time with you"

"Yeah Im really sorry I know I've been busy recently but I can hang out all day tomorrow"

"As usual" he said rolling your eyes

"I- what is that supposed to mean?"

"You seem to not be able to spare a little bit of your precious time with your boyfriend is all and it's just selfish" he responds harshly

I sit there shocked

"Brandon Im sorry that Im trying to make a living and I can't be by your side all the time"

"It's just selfish y- it's like you- you've been so distant you sneaking around and not telling me where you actually are"

"Brandon Im not obligated to give you my location everywhere I go, I'm not your mother"

"What are you seeing Alex again?"

"Wh- how could you even ask that?"

"Your probably out being a ho aren't you?"

"WOW okay.... Zion tell your friend here that he better calm the fuck down before I punch him"

"Cmon guys-" Zion trues to say

"Nah you know what I'm leaving I'm late to me meeting" I say grabbing my bag and leaving slamming the front door Whispering to myself "sorry ma for slamming the door es que este pendejo me enoja (it's because this bitch angers me)

I get into my car and drive to Eric's store and sit in the parking lot calming down finally after 10 minutes I compose myself and walk in

"Hey beautiful" Eric says hugging me and letting me in


More chapters tomorrow I promise :) <3

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