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The next day was pretty chill when Brandon awakened his head hurt and ate a big breakfast. The rest of the guys were the same all sluggish.

We all hung out went out to a local park that I used to hang out at and just walked and talked. About 10 minutes into walking an ice cream truck pulled in and the guys went over to get some while Me and Brandon sat and waited.

"How's your wrist?"


Brandon's been wanting to go confront Alex ever since he woke up more sober today. I convinced him that all I want it to forget about Alex and have a fun time here. He agreed.

"Ri, I miss you...... I'm sorry for ruining everything before I wish I could go back and change things"

"Brandon, i really wish we could but it happened and we just gotta live with it"

"Yeah I guess, things could've been so much different if I wasn't that stupid back then"

"Maybe" I say laughing lightly.

Brandon's phone gets a message, out of the corner of my eye I can see it's a message from Charlotte.

Charlotte: I really do miss you and I know you do too

I try to ignore it but Brandon sighs loudly and I look over at him, "you okay?"

"Yeah... I don't know I've been talking to Charlotte again, I don't know if I'm being dumb for believing her or she's really trying to change"

"Hmm Im probably not the one you should talk to"

"I don't think she's the same person as before Ri, you really don't wanna speak to her?"

"Look b as much as Im a very forgiving person, what she did to me all the horrible things, I just can't forgive her. Believe me I've tried but I'd just rather not talk to her and let her live her life" he nodded and texted something back to her.


We came back home to hang out with both the family. Richard said he wanted to take a Jenn out, saying they were just "hanging out" But we all know they were going on a date. So I was taking care of Aaliyah.

My parents also wanted to go out and I insisted they went and to not worry about me cause I'll be with Aaliyah. I got a little bored and Aaliyah was starting to beg to go over to see Brandon. Those two are the best of friends. I grabbed her diaper bag and headed over to Brandon's house and knock.

A couple seconds later Brandon opens the door only wearing some shorts and his shirt on his shoulder. I gulp and try to not look but I take a little peek, WHAT?? Anyone would look.

"Hey sorry if I interrupted your sleep Aaliyah was asking for you" I say seeing he didn't have his glasses on meaning he was probably sleeping.

"Your all good, I don't mind a visit from two gorgeous princesses" he said taking Aaliyah from my hands and hugging me as well.

He told me his parents also went out with Halie and he was home alone. We talked and we made some snacks and watched some tv. Aaliyah started wandering around and I saw she was looking outside through the back door window.

I ask her what's wrong and she says 'waterrrr' while pointing at the pool. We got the hint that she wanted to go swimming. Brandon grabbed her and took her out getting into the pool. I get a chair and sit close to the edge watching them play. He's really good with her, he'll be a good father to his kids one day.

"Hey what are you doing? Cmon" he say breaking me out of my daydream.

"Oh no no I can't I don't have clothes to change out of" he points to his shirt on the table.

"Grab that and come in woman, I will pull you in here either way" he says slowly getting out.

"OKAY OKAY I'll wear the stupid shirt" I put my phone on the table. I unbutton my pants but look over at Brandon.

"Turn around creep let me change" he laughs and turns around talking to Aaliyah. I undress leaving my underwear and bra and out on the big shirt.

We all play in the pool and me and Brandon end up just staring at each other at the end. We break out of our trance when Aaliyah says she's tired. We all get out, change and end up in the living room couch laying down watching a movie.

I don't remember how but I end up sleeping cuddled up on Brandon and Aaliyah sleeping on Brandon's chest as well. Brandon's arms holding on to me and her.

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