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All rights reserved. Any content of this book : characters, plot, or scenes, may not be used, transmitted, published, or reproduced. Any violation of this policy could result in punishment by law.

The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Adonis Lazarus has been his father's slave since the day his mother died. His father was all he had left, and he obeyed him like any proper son should. His father owns most of the clubs in the city, making him one of the richest people in the place, and Adonis, the next in line to the throne. On his latest mission, Adonis is to seize a care center in place for a club to be built. Not wanting his stepbrother to complete this mission instead, Adonis takes on the role to the best of his ability, even if it means going into the center himself.

Adonis thought the mission would be easier to complete once he's in. However, no amount of training or experience could have ever prepared him for the force that was Dr. Mirabelle Williams and her companions.

Mirabelle Williams has had one dream all her life. To build a care center in a place that needs it the most. A place where anyone going through addictions, mental illnesses, or even a rough time, could come and have themselves be treated. She wanted it to be standing in the darkest part of the city, where crimes were the highest, and equality was lowest. She wanted to build it where people needed it the most. And when she's accomplished this, she didn't know that the least of her worries would be the bills that came with running the center, or the wacky patients that needed treatment, or the lack of doctors willing to work with her. All of that was nothing compared to the people who tried to take her down.

But Mirabelle Williams is no damsel in distress. She will face any problem that comes her way, and face it head on.

Maybe even breaking a few bones along the way.

Join the staff of Zachary Home for Recovery, and Adonis and his crazy friends, on the way to finding love, and to find healing in their loved ones.

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