2: Shego and Orochimaru bonding & meeting Kim Possible

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Two months later-

Shego groaned as she walked back to her bedroom after leaving the training hall. Her feeling about Orochimaru ended up being right.

He was a massive pain in the butt. Even though he and Kabuto had been staying with them for three months, trying to figure out how to get back home still. He had been helping her train to fight better; calling her weak but has pointal to be stronger was a headache itself.

She then recalled her training session with him in the training hall.


Shego groaned in frustration as she fell down to the floor hard, hitting her butt as she glared up at Orochimaru standing above her position on the floor.

"You need more power behind your kicks if you expect to do any real damage to your opponent, especially one stronger than you," Orochimaru said with a smirk, causing her to glare harder at him.

"What! Are you saying, snake, that I'm not strong!" She shouted, annoyed, igniting her hands.

Orochimaru rose his hands in mock surrender."Hey, I'm not saying that your lacking power, but I'm betting you use less force to dodge at any moment. However, if you have used enough power, you won't have to worry about avoiding because your opponent is too busy doing that instead of you," He sighed, pulling his hair back in a ponytail and offering a hand out to her to pull her up."And it Orochimaru, not snake."

She simply glared at him and smacked away his hand, causing him to sigh and walk away toward the exit of the training hall.

"You know what, Shego, come and find me when you're not in a bad mood. For the time I have been here, I learned nothing reaches you at all in a bad mood," He said as he exited the hall.

Shego then glared at the ground before she stood up and decided to continue to train on her own, not caring to listen to Orochimaru's advice on her kicks.

Through maybe he made an excellent point.

Flashback end...

As for all the time she had been keeping an eye on him, she discovered that he could clone himself tremendously compared to her twin brothers. He could control the elements, which from what little she had seen so far, was only water and wind, even though he mentioned he could control them all, and he could summon snakes, not just from his sleeve.

She strongly felt there was so much more to him and that she hadn't even scratched the surface of his powers or the person he was.

Another thing she learned was Kabuto was a skilled medic.

Drakken tried demanding his DNA, wanting to make a clone of him for his plans interested in his powers, but that only resulted in him being embedded in the wall by his sword pierced through his shirt or a weird purple slime he explained was made by a pal of his.

Which Drakken immediately tried to analyze, but the machine he was using would explode, and all samples would dissolve. Shego had a feeling Orochimaru caused it using one of his abilities.

She could tell he was protective of powers and secrets, and only Kabuto truly knew his secrets, and even there were some he didn't know. However, she couldn't blame him for that. She understood wanting to keep certain things from others.

A Snake's Heart[Kim Possible and Naruto Crossover] (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now