Rose and Lily

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Rose and Lily

          Once upon a time there were twin sisters named Rose and Lily. They lived with their mother in a house by the forest. The mother named her daughters Rose and Lily after the roses and lilies she grew in her garden. She loved roses and lilies as much as she loved her two daughters.

          Rose and Lily were both beautiful and kind girls and loved their home in the forest. Lily loved to spend time in the forest. She enjoyed all the wild flowers that grew and looking at all the animals who lived there. The forest was a real peaceful paradise to her. Rose loved the forest too, but she was more of a staying at home person.

          Lily was happy living in the forest, but sometimes she felt a little bit lonely. In the forest Lily would always see an animal with its mate. That was why Lily felt a bit lonely: she wanted a husband. Rose wanted a husband too. The girls did love living with their mother in the forest, but they wanted a special person by their side, someone to share their lives with forever. Their mother understood; her late husband, Rose and Lily's father, was important to her till the day he died.

          One summer day Lily was picking berries for dinner when she saw a white horse coming towards her. On the white horse sat a handsome young man. Lily was surprised to see a handsome young man in the forest. People didn't often visit the forest.

          "Pardon me miss" the man said "but have you seen a man that looks just like me? He's my twin brother and he disappeared in this forest last winter".

          "I'm sorry sir" said Lily "but you're the only man I've seen in this forest so far".

          "Oh well thanks anyway" the man said "if you do see him tell him that I'm looking for him".

          "Of course sir" said Lily. In a second the man left.

          At dinner Lily told Rose and her mother all about her meeting with the young man.

          "I see, so the young man is looking for his missing twin brother is he?" the mother asked.

          "Yes," answered Lily "and I haven't seen him either and I go into the forest everyday".

          "Oh I hope that he finds his twin brother soon" said Rose.

          Next morning Rose and Lily were out in the forest collecting firewood. They were about to go home, when they both heard a giggling noise coming from behind a bush. Behind the bush was a male pixie dressed in dark purple clothing. Lily didn't like pixies. Pixies loved to play tricks on people and Lily didn't like their tricks.

          Rose and Lily were just about to leave when Lily noticed that the pixie was wearing jewels. It was strange that a pixie would have jewels because pixies usually had pixie dust or wands on them, but not jewels. Lily did find it strange but decided not to worry any longer and went home with Rose instead.

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