Chapter Three

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The next day, I was more tired than yesterday. Leigh got sick again, and when we got back to our room, she had a death grip on me. It gets hot in our room quickly, so the excess body heat kept me awake.

Leigh, on the other hand, slept like a baby, but only for like three hours since it was time for us to get up for the day.

I left her to sleep since she deserved it. I know her body was physically tired so, she needed rest. I'll make sure to get her a snack to munch on before we had to start our schooling.

I'm currently sitting in Endez's office, staring at him with a blank look as he gazes at me thoughtfully with his hands folded in front of his face. His glasses glared from the lighting in the room and the sound of his ceiling fan softly rattled overhead.

"Let's start off simple, okay, Y/N?" He asks, taking his hands down. I continue to stare, staying silent. "Have you been sleeping and eating regularly?" I shrug a shoulder, still silent.

"Anything you have on your mind?" I squint at him a bit, "What kinda fucking question is that?" My tone was hostile, but my voice a whisper. He nods slightly, "A dumb one, I agree."

"At least you're admitting it," I finally look away from the man, gripping the armrest tightly. "You seem angrier than before, Y/N. Is there anything specific that's troubling you?"

Once again, I go silent.

"I'm starting to suspect that you don't get enough sleep," I turn my attention from the patterns on the carpeted floor back to the man.

"I do," I simply state. "C'mon, Y/N. It's clear as day. What's keeping you up?" I take a slow, deep, soundly breath before running my hand through unkempt curls.

"My sister has night terrors often," I say, not wanting to elaborate further on that matter. He already knew about what happened to us; he doesn't need to know more at this point.

"And you tend to her?" I nod, "She's my little sister. I'm supposed to."

He hums and I slump a little in the chair. I then look down at my lap, "Can I go now? I gotta go get her for schooling."

He nods and motions to the door, "I'll see you again Friday." I stand up and head for the door then left the room. I stuff my hands in my pockets, trudging back to our hall only to get shoulder checked.
I look up from the floor, "Hey, watch yourself!"

The person turns around and the unease and anger in my chest rose. "What's up, Pincock?" He mocks with a laugh. "It's 'Pinnock', ya div," I glare up at him.

"Where's your twin? Usually, she'd be under you," he looks around and behind me. "None of your bloody business, Blake," I snarl.

"Aw, it's so cute how you protect her," he pouts and I just about punched him in his face. "But y'all's relationship is pretty weird," he grimaces.

"Y'all are really close. It's damn near concerning."

"You don't know shit about us, so shut your fucking mouth, mate," I say threateningly. He laughs, holding his stomach. "Okay, Marshmallow," he pats my head and I smack him away.

"I'm just sayin'. You have a weird obsession with your sister, mate. It's kinda gross," he shakes his head then walks away. I growl under my breath, feeling my whole body shake in anger.

"Don't listen to him. He's a bitch," a voice calls behind me. I turn around, being met with a girl with somewhat tan skin, with dark hair and eyes. She looked to be at least a year ahead of me, but I recognized her from our class.

I look back to where the boy once was, but saw no sign of him.

"I'm Morgado," she says, holding a hand out. I hesitantly take it and gave it a few shakes. "I'm Y/N," I say and she chuckles.

"Yeah, I know. You're one of the Brits in class," I nod. "We have three more, but two of them never talk. One uses a Scottish accent most times then she'd sound like she's from south England, so I'm not even sure what she is anymore," she laughs lightly.

"But she's cool. You two actually have something in common." I tilt my head, squinting at her, "What do you mean?"

"You both have weird eye colors," she points out and I make a face. "What?"

"Yeah, like hers changes so often that I don't even know what color they are. One minute, they're green, the next, brown, then gray. Yours were dark gray yesterday, but now, they're dark brown."

My face doesn't change. I look her up and down, a little weirded out. "I swear, I'm not stalking you or tryin' to be weird or anything. I'm just observant."

I relax slightly. "I just say they're hazel," I said comfortably, which is strange for me. I'm normally weary of new people, but she seems genuine.

"What grade are you in?" I give her a confused look and she further explains. "Y'know, sixth, seventh, or eighth?"

"Oh, uh, well, I'm 13, so I guess year 9?" She raises her eyebrows. "That class is for six through eight, though," I mentally facepalm. "Shit, you're right. I forgot schooling was a lot different here."

"Is that a UK thing, or what?" I nod, "Yeah, I guess."

"Figured when you and your sister got confused when you failed a test, thinking you passed," she says and I sigh. "That was so embarrassing," I admit quietly. She gently pats my arm in a friendly way.

"Don't worry, Twin. If you need help understanding American culture, I'm your girl," she winks and I nod. "Okay, thanks, Morgado," I say and she nods before walking away.

"Leigh-Leigh? Babe, you gotta get up," I say, shaking the slumbering girl awake. "Mm, no," she grumbles, eyes still closed. "Don't make me get the bucket," I warn and she whines, eyes opening.

"Why?" I laugh a bit at her grogginess. She's one stubborn little thing. "We have school in less than an hour. Get ready." She sits up from my bed, rubbing her eyes.

"I don't wanna go," she whines again.

"We have to," I tell her and she groans before throwing the blanket back and standing up. "I got you a snack," I hand her a pack of Oreos I got from a nearby vending machine.

Her eyes almost immediately lit up and she happily takes the cookies. "Thank you!" She throws her arms around me in a tight hug. I chuckle, "You're welcome, Baba."

She really loves those little sugary things. I also realize a lot of food is sweeter here. Snacks in the UK weren't nearly as sugary.

When she releases me, she goes over to her side with a pep in her step. I shake my head at her and proceeded to grab the single notebook for class. She changes out of her sleepwear and into a light colored top and jeans.

She slips on her shoes and a dark green pullover hoodie before fixing her hair. "Want me to do yours later?" She asks me through the mirror.

"If you wanna," I say indifferently.

Once she was ready, notebook in one hand and her other grabbing mine, we left out, locking the door behind us and ventured towards class.

*Anything seem familiar? Hmmmm?

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