Chapter Five

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I can't lie, I'm hurt.

For years, I've looked after her and kept by her side our whole lives. When we were left with irresponsible babysitters and demented relatives, it was me that made sure she was alright.

When she broke her arm when we were five and our drunk aunt was too intoxicated to drive us to the hospital, I put a pillow under it and called 999. I take on my role as an older sister seriously. Most sisters argue and pick with each other, our arguments are basically like the one we had this morning.

When she gets upset, she wouldn't talk to me.

Our biggest fight was when we were landing in America. She got mad because I didn't knock him out like I said I would. I'm a peanut standing next to him. I only hit him a few times before I passed out from pain.

Three days later, I wake up with Leigh asleep in the same bed as me with dried tear tracks on her face.

When we testified against him, the look he gave made us feel dread going down our backs. Leigh's hand held mine tightly the whole time we sat there.

I don't know exactly what he put her through. I'm pissed that I didn't realize this before.

The signs were clear as day; she always seemed nervous when they're alone and when I'd come home, she'd hug me as I'm kicking my shoes off.

She was so optimistic and bright, but around Dean, she'd be dim. Or when he sits beside her. Both of us used to sit on his lap and he'd let us watch r-rated movies. One of them were Baby Boy, which has extended and really explicit sensual scenes.

We're messed up because of him and his equally bad side of the family. So, we're all we had.

Sometimes, we'd ride our bikes to the cemetery and  confide in our mum. You know it's messed up how we trust our dead mother more than our, unfortunately, alive donor.

Hope he gets what he deserves in prison. I want him to get the same treatment as Leigh-Leigh. The years of abuse, I want him to deal with that, but worse.

I want that bastard to suffer.

I snap myself back to reality and glance over at Leigh. I see she's taking notes, but would look over her shoulder a few times. "Baba, what're looking at?" She seemingly breaks out of a trance and looks at me nervously.

"Uh, nothing," she mumbles and goes back to her notes.

I do a quick peek over my shoulder and right my line of sight is that Jesy girl. She was leaning back in her chair, playing with her pencil.

We hardly see this girl around because she's pretty asocial. We'd see her shooting a basketball while everyone's inside. Or she'd just be anywhere anyone's not.

I've seen her with the two quiet girls that sat in the back and a few guys in our year, but that's it.

Ms. Freida calls off school and as we leave the class, Leigh's eyes where trained in front of her. "What is it?" I ask in concern, but she just looks back at the girl, watching as she leaves while messing with her phone.

"You okay?" Her attention comes back to me, "Huh?" I then realized what I was witnessing. "Ooh, does Leigh have a crushy-crush?" Her eyes widen and she covers my mouth, "Shh, no I don't."

I move her hand and smile knowingly. "It's okay if you do. I'm not gonna judge you."

"It's not that," she says as we go back to our room. "What is it then, baba?" She hugs her notebook to her chest and says nothing. She stares at the floor, making sure she doesn't step on a line.

"Hey, uh, twins!" Someone call from behind us. We turn around to see Jesy running up with her weathered, red notebook by her side and her pencil stick from her pocket.

"Hey, Jesy, right?" I ask and she nods then glances at Leigh. "I heard you two were pretty good with school stuff, so I was hoping yous could help me out?" She asks, eyes straying towards Leigh even though she was facing me.

I could see her hiding her mouth with her notebook, which covered a shy smile.

"Yeah, we can help you out," I answer as we continue walking. "With what exactly?"

"I'ma be honest, everything. I'm flunking nearly everything," she says, standing next to me while Leigh was on my other side, linking arms with me.

"I'm good with science and language. Leigh's good with history and math," I look over at my sister, who looks away when she catches Jesy's gaze.

"Good, 'cause I suck at math. What's your mark, Leigh?" The girl asks and Leigh tenses a little and looks at me with wide eyes.

"Don't mind her, she's shy," I say and Jesy smiles. "Kinda figured since she doesn't talk. You're gonna have to if you're gonna help me."

Leigh then leans into my ear and I speak for her.

"She has a 94% average," I say and Jesy's wide eyes grow a little. "Damn, you're smart. Mind lending me your brain?" Leigh giggles, but covers her mouth afterwards. Her face was starting to get a bit pink. I smile a little to myself because she definitely has a crush.

"So, when do you want this study thing to happen?" I ask the girl as she stuffs a hand in her hoodie's pocket. "Whenever," she shrugs. "Are you free at 4?"

I glance at Leigh, who just gives me an unsure expression.

"Whaddya think, Leigh?" She moves hair behind her ear sheepishly, and offers a small shrug. "Yeah, 4 sounds fine," I say while bending a corner.

"A'right. See ya at 4, Twins!" She says before going the opposite way we were going. I notice Leigh looking her way for a second before facing forward.

"You still mad at me?" I ask carefully. She looks at me and shakes her head, before glancing behind us again.

I look back to see Jesy was talking to one of the quiet girls. They were a blonde and a brunette and Jesy was talking to the brunette.

"Leigh, if you have a crush on Jesy, I promise I won't judge you," I say. She doesn't answer until we make it to our room.

"I don't have a crush. I just think she's... pretty. And her eyes are nice, like yours," she says quietly despite us being the only two in the room. "I agree, she is pretty," I say.

"And cool. And funny. And pretty," she lists and I look over at her in amusement. "You said she was pretty already, baba."

"Well, she is! I'm not blind," she retorts defensively and I giggle. "What's so funny? Spit it out, then."

"Leigh, you have a crush on her and it's okay. I agree she's all those things, but it's obvious you like her."

"I don't like her," she says unconvincingly. "I've known you my entire life. You definitely like her."

"Okay, say if I did-,"

"You do."

"Quiet, you," she points at me while squinting. I laugh a little and shake my head. "As I was saying, if I did like Jesy, which I don't, do you think she'd like me back?" She begins playing with her fingers.

"I don't see why not. You're a great girl, Leigh-Leigh," I say honestly while changing my hoodie. "I'm scared, though. Because what if she doesn't? What if she finds me gross because of what-," before she could finish, I put both of my hands on her shoulders.

"That's him talking. Shut him up, he's not here, he's dead, you hear me?" I say strongly and she nods, eyes starting to water. "It still hurts," she sniffles. "It does, but we have each other and I'm not going anywhere."

"Promise?" I nod, "Yes, I promise. It's just me and you." She wipes her eyes and nods. "Okay."

"C'mon, let's eat before your study date," I playfully say and she cracks a smile. "It's not a date, we're just tutoring her." I grab her hand and lead us towards the cafeteria.


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