Chapter 4

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The mind reading seemed to prove useful in many moments including the time Qibli tried to trick moon into believing that Winter was turning evil.

Winter was practicing carving dragons. He had no idea why he could not carve the dragon snout. Arrgh!, Winter thought asQibli darted into his room and snatched the wood impertinently from him. Winter barred his teeth outrageously. He took out the Skyfire and was about to do something obnoxious to Quibli when he heard a single gleeful strand of thought from Qibli.

"I hope Winter does something terrible, then Moon would believe me."

Winter said calmly, "Can you give it back?", the added for emphasis, "Now.

Qibli replied insolently "Why? Just because you're so privileged doesn't mean that we all have to bow to you."

Winter exhaled. He looked into the future. A future where he harmed Qibli. That future did not contain anything that was worth living for. Then, he prudently said to the Skyfire "Make this paper into wood."

Winter was careful not to slip out any thoughts of annoyance. Especially the one that really wanted Qibli to turn into a baboon.

In the blink of an eye, the paper disappeared. Only to be replaced instantaneously by pieces of wood exactly a replica of the wood Qibli was clutching.

It was one of the most favourable moments Winter ever had. Seeing the aghast look on Qibli's face and his thoughts, like and incandescent dust storm. 

Winter smiled with relish when he heard Moon and Qibli's minds, unconsciously. If Qibli keeps trying to trick me the he could break his relationship with Moon.  Hopefully, Moon would be fed up with Qibli's futile attempts to make Winter snap into a murderous figure. Ha! Ha! It would take a lot more thinking to make me use my magic. Even though my soul may be protected, I can't be motivated to use magic for simple things like finding a lost item. Darkstalker was good before. But the greed of using his magic as freely as he could had made him into a nightmare. That WOULD NOT happen to Winter.

Winter silently slid up to Qibli's room to hear the argument which was not difficult to hear because they were whispering in a loud and aerated way.

"I know he is bad in some way I just need to think. Tomorrow, I will try something else. I just need to think."

"Are you really thinking this?"

"Yes. I know he is not the right dragon for you"

"Why do you think he is evil? Was it not YOU who told me that all dragons have their pros and cons?"


"Are you just saying that because you don't like him or you think I love him more than you?" Maybe I do, Moon thought irratedly


"Then why?"

"I am anxious that you won't like me anymore"

"I already told you the answer." Maybe I don't like you anymore.


"I'll leave then"

Winter sprang back into his room as Moon walked out, casting a weary eye for dragons who heard their argument.

Winter's heart was beating fast.

Tonight showed Winter that Moon and Quibli's relationship was getting worse and worse like sandwing tail venom spreading.


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