New day,New obstacle.

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Spark POV
My damn clock has rang.I woke up from my sweet dreams.

"Today is the new day."I scratch my back and I sleep again.

Suddenly,my mom(a Raichu)just enter my room.

"Hello,Mr.Can you wake up now"

"Just gave me five minutes"

"Are you forgeting something?"she just asked

"Oh,I almost forgot it was my first day to the school"

I realize it and I woke I quickly.I wear my black glasses so that I can see it clearly.I went to the bathroom to get ready and my mom just went to the kitchen and cook for breakfast.After packing up my thing and wearing the school uniform,I went to the dining room.

"Are you ready to your new school?"she just asked

"I afraid to know that.I just keep asking myself what the school looks like?Is the pokemon are friendly?Is the teacher look furious?Can I do better than my old school?..."I reply with worried

"Calm down.When you go to school you will find it out."She giggles

After finish my breakfast.I just walk to the door.

"Mom,I going to school."

"Ok son,be careful when you go to school "

"I will mom."I waved at her and going to school by walking.When I on my way,I wear a headset.

I walk to school and start singing

(So let's get in to the song 😉😉)

Artist:Selena Gomez,Marshmallow

In your eyes, there's a heavy blue
One to love and one to lose
Sweet divide, a heavy truth
Water or wine, don't make me choose

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night (night)
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

(Then he starts to run)

I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

(He jump of the edge and do the backflip.He landed without any hurt

"That was a close one")

Your fingertips trace my skin
To places I have never been
Blindly I am following
Break down these walls and come on in

I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night
Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky

(He saw a wall to disturb the way to go to school.

"Ha,you think a tall wall can stop me?"

So he decided to climb and he success to get over it

"That was so easy".

After that,he sing again.)

I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

(He saw an Espeon want to cross the road.So he decided to help her

"Hello,Madam.You have problem now?"

"Yeah,I can't cross this road"

"Oh,ok I think I can help you"

After crossing the road

"Thank you very much"

"It's ok,I..."Than he watch the time

"Oh,my.I'm going late"

I wave at her and start to run )

I've been running through the jungle
I've been running with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you

I've been down the darkest alleys
Saw the dark side of the moon
To get to you, to get to you

I've looked for love in every stranger
Took too much to ease the anger
All for you, yeah, all for you

I've been running through the jungle
I've been crying with the wolves
To get to you, to get to you (oh to get to you)

End of the song

Finally I was arrive the school.

"Wow,this school is huge,I hope that I can't get lost at it."

So I just going in and my life has begun.

(I finish this chapter and a very short chapter.I said that I was suck at writing story😭😭😭,and my grammar was terrible😭😭😭.Yep now you guy can tease me that I cannot create a better story.This chapter is very boring,I know,I just make the story.
So you can comment me if there was a mistake.And vote for the song.So met you guys at another chapter )

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