Meet New Friend

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Spark POV
"Ok,class. We will have a test tomorrow.So please study."the Dragonite said.

"What!"all the class yell accept me.

"Yes,this test is a bit easier than I thought.I don't want some of you failed in this test."

"Okay,teacher.I promise you to get an "F-" in this test."Jake said.

All the class laugh and I sit here and be quiet.

"Why you Jake..."

"What,teacher.I'm just telling the truth.You said it was easy than you thought.But in our opinion,it was harder than we thought.Right guys"Jake reply and ask the class

A lot of students,I mean pokemon nodded their head.I don't know what to do and I was giggles.I never thought that there was a brave pokemon in my class.And also I was worried about the test that the Dragonite gave when they mourning.

"You...!"the teacher sigh and continue say.

"Never mind.So,tomorrow had a test and don't forget.Class dismissed!"Dragonite change the topic.

What!Wait a minute.Did Jake didn't get the punishment.Some student using this tone will get punishment.Wow,it was weird.I think the Dragonite must hiding something.I better ask Jake what was happen.

"So,the class is over,right?."I talk to the miccino that sit next to me.

"Yep!"the miccino said.

"Can you tell me what was happening?"

"There's nothing wrong,why did you ask?"

"I just wanna ask you,did you always talk to the teacher by using this tone?"

"Well,I think is ...... usually."

"What!You usually.Why you didn't get punishment from teacher"

"Well,I don't know why.It just...wait!You want me get into the punishment,right?"He glare at me.

"What!No.I not that mean.I ask you that because it felt weird while you didn't get punishment."I quickly explain.

"It's okay.By the way.I will take you to meet my friend."

I nodded my head and just follow him to see his friend.I hope it will go well.

"He so late."Alice told to me.

"Let wait him,he always been late"I sigh and said it with annoying feeling.

We been waiting him for many minutes.Because of boring,Alice speak up when we ate the meal.

"OMG,I so bored."

Suddenly my mind appear the pikachu's shadows.

"He so cute and adorable,and..."I thought

"Hey,Eve.What are you thinking about?"Alice suddenly talking to me

",I'm just...just"

"Don't talk.I guess.You have a crush now,right?"

"What!No!I don't have any crush!"I felt my face become red again and I felt nervous.I also felt my heart is bumping so quick.

"Just kidding."Alice giggles.

I relieved.I tried to control my emotions and my face become brown,just like last time.I glad that she didn't notice that I have a crush on that pikachu and his name is Spark,I think?

"So what are you thinking about?"Alice said and continue ate her sandwich.

"I just thinking about the test that teacher gave it"I find the another reason as I drink the juice.

"That test.Just forget about it.Let just relax"

After we finished our meal

"Wow,he really late,and so late"Alice speak up.

"I never see him so late,although he always late"

"So,what we gonna to do?"Alice ask me.

"Mmmm.How about we play a game?"

"What game?"

"I sing a sentences,then you must guess and continue to sing that song that I sang,It is okay we play this?"

"I think I can try it"

"Okay,I'm first 'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me'please continue the song"

"That was easy,it's'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah'right?"

"Wow,you good in this."

"Okay,It's my turn.Hmmm what song did I pick.Ah I know"She start to gave task.

"Girl, you know I want your love
Your love was handmade for somebody like me
Come on now, follow my lead
I may be crazy, don't mind me"continue the song.

"Hmm.It a little bit tough"I pretending don't know the song.

"Hahaha,you don't know.Well the song is..."

"Isn't "Say, boy, let's not talk too much
Grab on my waist and put that body on me
Come on now, follow my lead
Come, come on now, follow my lead"right?"

"What,how did you know this song?I thought you don't know"Alice felt surprised.

"Who said I gave up in this song.This is the song that I pick"Then I start to sing.

"Here's to the ones that we got
Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not
'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
Of everything we've been through"did you know this song?

"Uh..It' gave up"Alice sigh while I was giggles.

"What is the next sentence of this song?"

"Alright it is..."I want to told her.But someone disturb me.

"'Toast to the ones here today
Toast to the ones that we lost on the way' isn't it?"I turn around and it was Jake.Suddenly someone also start to sing

"'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories
And the memories bring back, memories bring back you' is the next sentence of the song,right?"

I look the back of the miccino and it let me felt blushes.

To be continue...

So this is the end of the chapter.I'm sorry for late to update my story because I have to do the examination.Since it was school holiday,so I quickly write the story.This chapter also not very good.So hey,did you guy can guess what song did I put?Please comment me the title of the song because I don't know the song.Just kidding.So I'll kept writing this story.See you guy next chapter.

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