Watch Out!!!

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Spark POV
I just met two of them,one is elmoga,and one is eevee

"Hi,guys,my name is Spark"said by using embarrasse emotion.Cuz I saw an eevee blushing.

"Oh,I'm Alice.It's nice to met you"the elmoga say to me with a smile face.

"...And...I...I..."the eevee beside Alice,the elmoga I think.She can't spit her name out.Maybe...

No,I don't think she fell in love with me.And I don't believe in love,And I such a weirdo.Maybe she embarrassed to say her name.

"Oh,her name is Eve"thank elmoga broke the scene of cringe.

"...Oh!It's nice to met you all."and gave them a big smile.

Gosh,why he being here,I felt cringe in my body right now!!!

"Spark,she not right that,she always being brave,but I don't know why she acting like that.I think she is..."Alice say that

Then,I quickly cover or block Alice mouth so that she didn't say "that" word.

"Uh... Sorry,Spark.I just think about something.My friend just say something else"

"Mmm...Mmmm!!!!" I saw Alice like running out of oxygen.I quickly let go of her.

"You totally want to kill me,right!!!I totally run out of oxygen!!!"

"Sorry,I didn't mean that!!!"I quickly apologize to her

"Apologize is not use"Alice still angry at me...

"So,what do you want me to do..."I show the whites of one's eyes.

"I need you the bubble tea for me!!!"Alice said

"Fine,my wallet didn't safe now"show the whites of one's eyes again!

Spark POV
"Look,this is the girl that always forget our existence."Jake told me.

"Sure is,they was like they are siblings "I said


Suddenly the bell rang!

"Aw man,we didn't talk to you,sorry for ignore you"Eve say

"Never mind,we can speak together next time"I smile at them

"So,let's go to the class"Jake said

Then we say OK to him and when to the classroom.

We skip the class cuz I'm so lazy
After school

"So lucky I can quickly integrated into it."I said to myself.

I saw Eve was at the road

"Is that Eve?Maybe I should talk to her"so I ran towards her

"And also I saw a car want to crash her"speak myself

"Wait what,a car want to crash her!!!"I immediately throw my bag and ran towards her.

"Eve,watch out!!!"

I heard someone said my name and did he say watch out?I just turn my head.


I saw a car almost crash me,I try to ran but I fell.


The car accident appear.Did Eve safe?or hit by the car?What Spark will do?We will see it at next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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