A New Student

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I just sat on a bench because the class not start yet.I was drinking water.Suddenly someone touch my shoulder

"Hey Eve"

I just get shocked and I spit out the water that I drink.l look at my back.I was Alice.I glared at her and my uniform is wet

"What are you doing?"Alice said that.

I glared at her and said "I'm doing nothing and you scared me!You make my uniform wet!"

"Oops,did I scared you?I'm soo sorry"she scratch her head and giggles

I cough a bit and said"It's all your fault and how I gonna dry my uniform?."

"I think I can lend you my uniform?"
Alice lend her uniform from her bag

The another pokemon ran towards us.

"Hey girls.What you guy doing.I have a news and......why your uniform is wet,Eve?"

"You can ask Alice if you wanna know why,Jake"I kept glared at her and walk to the bathroom so that I can change my uniform.

"What was happening."Jake said.Alice tell him about the incident and Jake laughed.

Within a few minutes,I come out from the bathroom.

"So,what the new?"Alice said.

"Yeah,what's the news?"I asked

"Well,I heard someone said there was a pokemon transfer to here."

"Really?"Alice said.

"Yes?"Jake said it.

"Is it boy or girl?Is it smart or not?Is it he handsome?"Alice have a lot question to ask.

Jake POV
"I not sure yet,but I conform that I much handsome than it"

When I was said that,Eve and Alice disappear from my eye.I saw that they was walking

"Hey,don't narcissistic,Jake.Let's go"Alice said.

"Hey,wait for me!"I pick my bag and ran towards them.

"So you don't know that pokemon' information,right?"Eve say it.

"Yeah,I didn't know about it"I just roll my eye and scratch my back.

"Oh my god,we going to be late soo...."Alice said it.

"So let's race to the class"Eve and I said and we run to the classroom.

*When I,I meant we arrived at our classroom*

We sat our seat and we watch our teacher,dragonite enter our class

"Good morning,teacher"

"A very good morning my student.So,take out your Maths textbooks and open it pages 41"

"Where is the new student that you told?"Alice whisper to me.

"I don't know"I whisper back and felt curious.Where is the new student?

"Stop talking."our teacher said.I just sat quietly.

Spark POV
Wow,this school is so big and I can't find the way out.

"Ah,finally"I said

"I get lost in it"I sigh as I was at a canteen

"I think I should ask the teacher or a pokemon to find the way"

So I decided to ask someone else.I ask Greeninja

"Excuse me,teacher."

"Why you didn't at your classroom,did you skip your class?"

"Sir,I'm not going to skip the class.If I skip class,why I must met you."

"Oh,so what do you want?"

"Actually I was a new student in this school.I get lost,so I want to ask where is the class"I said and I pass the paper to him.

"Oh,this class.You just have to go straight,and turn left.Your classroom is at your right"

"Thanks,teacher"I bow to him and ran to the direction that Greeninja gave.

"I think this is it"I stand at the outside of the classroom.I knock the door.

"I think Jake lie to us"I thought and start to learn.

"So that you can find the answer"our teacher just though us the solution of a question.


All of us and teacher look at the door.It was a pikachu with a pair of black glasses.

"Excuse me.Who are you?"the dragonite asked.

"Is that the new student?"I and Alice ask Jake.

"I think so"he answer back.

"But why our teacher didn't know there was a new student "I and Alice ask again.

"Don't ask me,I also don't know why."he just reply.

"He looks cute"I thought and my face become red as strawberry.

"Why did I think that.I must control my emotions"I slap my face

"And calm down"I inhale and exhale.My face become brown colour.

Spark POV
Oh my God,why everyone just looking at me.It let me felt embarrassed.

"Excuse me.Who are you?"a Dragonite just asked me.

"Ur.....I'm a new student here?"

"A new student?Why I didn't know that?I think I must call to Charizard,our headmaster."

He just call the headmaster,I think.I felt awkward when all pokemon stares at me.Finally,the Dragonite hung up his phone

"OK,class.I forgot that there was a new student coming here,I'm very sorry about it.So let us welcome it to our school."

I take a breath and walk into the classroom.

"Please introduce yourself."

"My name is Spark and I'm a pikachu.Its nice to meet you guys."

Everyone just clapped hand until the Dragonite told me

"You can seat wherever you want"

So I find an empty seat

"Where did I seat?"I thought

Jake POV

I just whisper to him

"Hey,sit biside me"

Luckily,he heard me and he sit right beside me

"Thank you for let me the seat"he smile at me.

"It's ok.So,my name is Jake"I smile him back

"Oh Jake,nice to met you."

"So we continue our class"the Dragonite said and he writes at whiteboard.

"I'll talk to you during recess"I told him and he said Ok to me.

(So I was back again.I continue writing the story. Did you guys like or love this chapter?If you guys like it, you guy vote or comment me to continue this story.So,I'll be next chapter 😎😎😎)

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