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A shine of metallic flew yet again through the air; whistling as it went.

It wasn't the only sound, however. The gound hissed as it was coated in a dark crimson. Leading to the earth to quake with an explosion of rage and anguish.

The mountainous creature held firm for as long as it could, but now it was faltering. Its defences became its weaknesses. Its confidence in a quick kill, a seemingly easy meal, became its downfall.

A seemingly simple sheet of metal was all it took.

'Impossible,' would the townsfolk question. And yet, the fact remained.

It had been done.

One last flourish was all it took. So close to a victory, a victory that would become a legend, a legend which would become a myth.

A tale which would fade into nothing more than that of a tale.

The Hunter did not want to be remembered as the one who slew the last Ancient One.


They reached out their hand to the creature. "You fought well."

In return was met with a questioning gaze.

"I was never here to make you an enemy," the Hunter stood motionless the words left the mask covered face.

The creature could not understand his words, though it could comprehend them. For it was knowledged in all languages that came after it. And it was the first, and now the last.

The Hunter's head cocked to the side, "I wanted to see how the greatest being to still exist was in combat. I was not disappointed. But I still have a request..."

The Ancient One nodded, it was all it could do.

"Come with me."

Another questioning gaze struck the Hunter.

"My journey is far from over. And I need another great being to help bring back what is mine."

The Ancient One stared into the faceless mask of the Hunter. Though it knew of the flames burning behind it.

It wanted it too.

"I will raise this world with you at my side! Will you accompany me?"

"What... if I do not wish for that?" The Ancient One finally spoke with wispy, drawn-out words.

"I will leave you to the next hunters following me. In this weakened state... What is it you decide?"

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