Protector and Protege

22 3 2

I have an anchor now, a purpose... and I will keep her safe.

↢  ↣

"Wrong." I sidestep, spin, and push my attacker.

She stumbles a few steps, before reforming her stance. I could not see within the mask which sits upon her face, though I know exactly what she was thinking.

"Again!" I shout while reading my dull blade. A sword which I would never use in battle.

The small blade which lay present within my opponent's hand, however, was completely different. It was laced with an energy in which kept it from breaking or becoming dull, much like my armour.

She darts without warning; the blade reaching mere centimetres from my chest piece. And yet, just before it makes contact, I twirl my wrist; catching the blade and redirecting it simultaneously.

It takes only a second before my arm grabs her's. My blade rests just under her mask. I hold this position long enough to make the sudden gulp ripple through the sword.

Golden eyes were all that gazed back at me.

Worry, self-resentment, anxiety, possibly anger? I could never truly know what lies with them.

And never will you truly know. Will you?

Their gaze cut through me, always.

I blink slow as a small sigh leaves me. My body moves without much thought as I pull away from her.

"Better. Though still, you rush too quick."

She nods without hesitation and readies herself once again.

I raise a single hand, stopping her. "No, this will be enough. Consistent work requires consistent rest."

She hesitantly nods, before lowering her guard.

"Come," only a single words escapes me as I turn away from her.

Her footsteps quickly reach my side, though I still have to lower my pace to match.

It was a short distance, though felt much shorter with the silence. My steps clatter with a metallic echo as I make my way through our camp.

A heavy thud forces my gaze. She had fallen upon her sleeping mat, though from the sound of it, it did not go as smoothly as she had planned.

"Are you okay?" my tone felt ghastly as I spoke with slight concern.

She nods while remaining face down. And so I return to my current duties. Pulling a small amount of rations from our travelling bags, and putting them together into the small pot resting over the firepit.

And before I even decide to move I rapidly slide my gauntlet across my dull blade. Sparks from the sudden friction erupt onto the kindle. Though not enough to start. And so I repeat until it does.

Within no time at all, the food is cooked and ready to be served. Not the best, but it would have to do.

"El," is all I have to state before the small girl rises to meet my offering.

She grabs the bottom of her mask, bowing her head ever so slightly. A gesture I had grown accustomed to.

A small thank you.

A small gesture of thanks.

A small smile spreads across my face as she takes the small bowl from me. Then I return to the other end of the fire, across from her.

She raises the mask over her head just enough to reveal her pale mouth. Though it is not long until she lowers it once more.

Yet, this time a small breath of a whisper escapes her, "s-s-o... w-when i-is... h-how l-long is i-it un-til w-we ar-rive?"

"Hmm..." I place my finger over the chin part of my helm, though not actually contemplating on an answer. "A day and a half at most. But if there are no complications, then by tomorrow at the very least."

"T-tom-mor-row..." her voice echoes my statement.

"Yes. We will set out with daybreak."

A brief moment of silence falls as she finishes her meal. Though only after does she stare at me.

Probably wanting to ask why I have decided not to eat again.

Though that is not needed.

"W-why d-do you aw-ways wh-ere th-that arm-mour?" her question stricks me as odd at first. Surprising me further when even I have no answer to it.

My eyes fall to my forearm. No buckles or latches of any kind lay present. It was as if the metal itself was forged or sealed around me.

I lift my gaze back to meet her, my answer clear, "since I became Undead, I have no longer the need for nutrients of any kind. I do not need to eat or sleep any longer. So I chose defence over everything else."


She nods as if in agreement, though letting the words digest. Yet, my eyes fall back to my forearm.

"This suit, this... armour has been with me for... quite a long time. To say it feels like it's become a part of me would be a bit of statement. Though I can say it does make it so I can remain calm even in the worst of times."

I could almost feel the gaze. Although as soon as my eyes meet hers, she diverts, looking away faster than my mind can comprehend.

A slight breath leaves me before a smile forms. "You should get some rest, we have still quite a distance to make."

She turns to me, eyes still not meeting mine, and nods.

I nod in return.


This is a short of the actual story I am currently writing, though I have only been able to start currently writing it. I have done a rough outline that is at least forty chapters long. So expect more to this.

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