Locker 243

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Every day as I pass through the main hall of my apartment complex, I would take a second to wonder about the mail locker marked 243.

I am not really sure why I would take time out of my day wondering about what the mail locker holds, but I never stopped.

It had become a daily routine.

I couldn't ever seem to break that weird habit.

Until one day, when I was getting home late from work, I stumbled upon it. I had found some kind of key laying under my mail.

At first, I did not take note of it being a key, I actually thought it was a piece of trash of something less important. However, it was, and the few first thoughts I had were: where does it go, what does it unlock, and who put it in my mail locker? But, my thoughts were shattered when I began to inspect the small, rusted, key.

There was some kind of inscription on it, but the rust had already coated over whatever it said. So, I put the key on my bedside table, to wait for another day.

The morning light shined in through the window, blinding me. Only slightly though, but enough to wake me. I sluggishly got to my feet, and dress as fast as I could, only after the realisation that I had to be at work in twenty-five minutes.

"Just another day, I guess..." I stated as I slipped out from one room and into the next. It didn't take long to finish preparing myself for the workday ahead, but before I go to leave I tried to check the time.

I had forgotten it again, out of all the things to forget, I think to myself. I race back into my room and reach my bedside table, and there it was; the little rusted key from yesterday. I crammed the key into one pocket and my phone in the other.

"Guess I could ask around about it," the words escaped me as I pushed open the door. I raced down the two flights of stairs and arrive in the main hall, and the mail locker 243 screamed my attention.

My eyes lingered for a moment, then without realisation I had already dug the key out of my pocket. I checked the time, still have ten, or so, minutes, I'll be fine.

I tried to push the key into the locker's lock, but the rust on the key only allowed it a few millimetres before it stopped. I yanked it free, frowned, then moved on with my day.

And like every day before, I walked home tired and worn out.

Over time, again. It was already night before I was able to leave.

At least my pay will be a bit bigger this week. I grinned at the thought. Without much notice, I was already at the apartment complex, and I almost passed right by the mail locker.

However, my attention was dragged straight back to the locker of 243. I slowly creep over to it, pushed my hand into my pocket, then pulled free the little rusted key.

Then a coin, and started scrapping at the rust on the key. What I reveal was amazing, and strange. I had gotten enough off to show the three little numbers; 243.

I smiled at the numbers like I had just found buried treasure, or something like it.

I kept scratching and carving off the remaining rust on the key. And after I got most of it off, I plunged it into the locker's lock. It slid in without any resistance, and a smile crept over my face as it turned.

It clicked and my eyes widened for a second as the locker popped open.

I grabbed the door and almost torn it open. Dust oozed from within. With a few creaks, the door was open, though only two items lied still within it.

I grabbed both of them, and blew the dust from the top of them. The first was a small package with a worn-down tag on the top of it.

Which, sadly, meant I could no longer read who the package was sent to nor who it was sent from.

Steps from the staircase echoed down, forcing me to hastily push the locker's door closed and lock it.

I carefully placed the two items into my work bag, and started for the stairs. And as I began my ascent, I pass the person coming down. I watched them leave for more than a second, but I only froze up when then stopped to stare at the mail locker.

I took a step towards her so I could ask her about the locker, but she was gone before I could even spit out a word. Then with a shake of my head, I raced up to my apartment, and locked it behind me.

I plopped down on my bed, then pulled out the two items from within my bag. I pulled my pocket knife from its drawer, and began to slice open the package.

But, before I pull apart the package the second object falls to the floor, and I pick it up. It is a note and it reads, 'this package is a gift for a curious soul.'

I stared at the package for a short moment. My hand moved before even I could think, and pulled it open.

Though what was inside would change my life forever. 

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