Chapter 9

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I went to school the next mourning and the kid who stood up for me is the same old kid he used to be. He never talks! It drives me crazy because I want to thank him but I don't want it to be awkward if he just doesn't answer. Plus, I don't realize it but because of autism I talk to people in a way that they would call awkward. What they mean to say is different.
I have nothing to lose, and he's at my table, so I go for it " Hey! Thanks about yesterday" a million things start rushing through my head as if in the streets of Manhattan. Did he even stand up for me? How could I know I was asleep?! Oh god what did I do!! He's not answering ! What did I expect?!
At least 5 minutes go by and suddenly he murmurs something like "yeggfs ".
" Sorry what?"I say quietly. And that's it he turns away. Oh great I have to sit here across from him with the to lovebirds ( Maddie and Jake ) next to me!
"No problem " he says and for once looks up. Oh my goodness he's so cute! I never noticed! With is brown/black floppy hair. His blackish freckle birthmark under his chin. His bright blue eyes and a smile to top it off. I can't help but smile and lean back in my chair. ' ok well we better be quiet mourning announcements are about to start ' I try to say but nothing comes out. What is this feeling? My throat was on fire. I can't say anything what do I do?!
Just then, I was saved by mourning announcements!
"Good mourning! Happy Tuesday ...

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