Chapter 12

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Collin. The perfect name for him. I love it. Everytime I think about him I feel a rush of joy! Yes ok yes I like him! I'm still debating weather to tell Ms.Laney or not, she could really help.

Next subject, Social Studies. Something about Collin gives me confiedence! For example, I find my self actually answering questions in class! To everyone else it seems like I'm really smart because I know all the answers becuase, for me it's easy. With Ms. Laney I do things none of these kids could do. It may sound selfish but it feels good for once, feeling like I'm the better one!

"Now turn and talk to a partner, about why you think George Washington was elected" Mr.T demands. Usually, Maddie and Jake would talk and me and Collin would just sit there when Mr.T says that. This time I say confidently " Well, I personally don't think George Washington was a good president so I have no clue why..."

"uh. yea" Collin says clearly for once. Could I be giving him confidence?

Next subject: Math. My favorite!!! I'm advanced in every subject but most advanced in math!

"Eveyone read the board..." Says Mr. T. The board says :


9x2 , 10-28, 11% = ...

Oh! I have Ms.Laney this period. I walk out the door to meet Ms.Laney. Ive made my decision, I am going to tell her about collin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2014 ⏰

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