Chapter 3 - Kiss

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The next day both decided to take a stroll through the park together. It was early in the evening and Vaani hadn't returned home yet. And since neither of them had something planned for the evening, they decided on going out on a walk together. Being honest thoughts were still haunting Muskaan, but she decided to take it easy. She wanted to follow her heart for once and not always let her mind take control and ruin things for her. They looked like a real couple. Both secretly not minding if they were a real couple. A bit later Muskaan discovered a little stand selling caramel apples. She got super excited. Caramel apples were her favorite. Muskaan and her sister always used to buy and eat some together. It was their thing.
"Look over there! Come with me!" Muskaan squeaked in excitement.
Ishaan smiled, he had no idea such a child lived within her. He did as told and followed her to the stand.
"Two caramel apples please!" She said while grabbing her purse. Ishaan was quicker and therefore paid for the apples.
"Thank you!" Muskaan said with a big smile. She gave him one of the apples and started eating her own. They walked towards a bench and sat down. Both enjoyed their apples for some time. Eating that apple brought back a lot of memories for Ishaan. In a lot of ways Muskaan reminded him of Sonam.
"You know, my wife used to be crazy about these caramel apples too." Indeed Muskaan knew how crazy Sonam was about these apples.
"I can imagine, caramel apples are very lovely." Muskaan said.
"They are." Ishaan added.
For a while it was quiet since both were eating their apples. It was a nice silence.

Muskaan looked at Ishaan and saw he had some caramel next to his lip. She took out a tissue from her bag and handed it over to him.
"You have some caramel there." She said while pointing to the place.
"Gone?" Ishaan said after trying to wipe it away.
"No there is still some left."
"Could you maybe?.."
"Oh yeah sure.." Muskaan said shyly. She took the tissue and wiped away the caramel. While she did their gaze met each other. A sensation both couldn't possibly describe. It was as if for a moment only these two existed in the world. Ishaan didn't know what had gotten into him, but he slowly leaned in. Muskaan had practically lost all her senses, but did lean in too. He eventually closed the gap and kissed her. Fireworks exploded. Muskaan's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't be any happier. It was as if their lips were made for each other. Dancing to one tune. After some time they broke the kiss due to lack of oxygen. Ishaan was amazed by the softness of her lips. Maybe it was more than wrong to kiss her, but in that moment he simply did not care. He loved Muskaan and that was all that mattered.

"I-i love you.." Ishaan admitted.
"I love you too!" Muskaan said with a smile on her face. Everything was perfect, even if it was for a moment only. Slowly it began to pour. They quickly head back home, so they wouldn't get wet. Little did they know what surprise would await them at home. As Ishaan opened the door he was practically attacked by Kiara.
Ishaan was surprised and a little taken back. Kiara wasn't supposed to be back until next week. Ishaan walked slowly in and Muskaan behind him. Muskaan was shocked as well seeing her back so early.
"What are you doing here?" Ishaan asked.
"I missed you so much, so I came back sooner!" Kiara replied while hugging him. Muskaan got sad at the sight so decided to go into her room.
"If you'd excuse me.." she said while going upstairs to her room.
Ishaan was overwhelmed by the situation.
"Aren't you happy to see me my gummy bear?" She said.
"Oh of course I am, I'm just a little surprised."
"Awh, that's alright!" She said while hugging him again. Ishaan had not planned out the evening like that.
Meanwhile Muskaan just laid down on her bed. Finally she had gotten him to say those three words and of course it had to get ruined. Muskaan didn't know what to feel. One part was still happy about the kiss and feeling butterflies in her stomach and the other part was just plain sad. Muskaan just realised how wrong their relationship would be. It saddened her. Why something that felt so good had to be so wrong.

Late in the evening Muskaan wanted to make herself some tea, but before she had the chance Ishaan had stopped her.
"Muskaan I wanted to talk to you about earlier!" He said.
Muskaan didn't know what was awaiting her.
"Well you see, that little incident.. how do I put it, well it was a mistake.. I don't regret it, but things shouldn't have gotten that far.."
Muskaan couldn't believe what she just heard. He had broken her heart. He shattered it into million pieces.
"W-what do you mean?" She said trying to understand.
"I can't do this, I can't do that to Kiara, it's not fair.. I hope you understand." Oh and apparently it was fair to break her heart like that? Muskaan just wanted to be as far away from him as possible. She felt used, betrayed and disgusted.
Muskaan just ran away. While running down the stairs Muskaan overlooked a step and fell down hitting her head against one of the stairs. All she could remember was Ishaan calling out for her name desperately before everything went black.

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