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To the Magisterium in Rome and His Holiness, Pope Cephas,

I write to you at the behest of my Bishop Martinelli. He has promised to appeal my case of excommunication before you in person. I wish I could adhere to your request that I come before you myself but I am fast finding out that often when new worlds open their windows, the doors to the old ones close and lock themselves fast with iron keys.
I wish to assure to you that despite the appearance of things, I remain forever obedient to the Church and to my vows as a priest. If circumstances had not forced my hand I would gladly have waited on the Magisterium to speak on the subject of the so-called Incarnation Tech.
Though I acted according to what I believed to be right I fully anticipate and accept that I could be wrong. If the Church decides that my actions were incorrect I will repent and submit to her teaching as fully as I am physically able.
After hearing my story I hope that your Eminences will understand that I have done what I have in the spirit of obedience to God, love for my vocation and conviction of my conscience. Whatever scandal I have caused to mother church is deeply felt and regretted.
Despite these offenses I hope you will hear my story with compassion.

Fr. Ben Xavier
Jesuit & Exorcist

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