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The drive to Hyeri, was one of the most enjoyable drive I have ever had. Chanyeol and I talked and talked most of the time.

"You're crazy. Why didn't you tap?" I questioned him.

He was telling me a story that one time Kyungsoo told him that if he choke hold Chanyeol he couldn't, and wouldn't be able to break free. Knowing Chanyeol's competitiveness, with his stories... he said that he'll be able to, then Kyungsoo did choke hold him.

I was almost burst out laughing, because he can't get out of the choke hold. His eyes were at the back of his head, about to lose consciousness.

"I have my pride you know." He defended.

"You were literally dying." I defended. It was so stupid, but at the same time in my head. I'm still laughing about it. "The others tell me you think you're the most handsome member."

He smiled, his dimple showing. "Because, aren't I?" He asked as if it was something that is so obvious.

I laughed. "You're such an idiot."

We drove for almost thirty minutes, and all that time was just talk. Either laughing, or just full in gasping for air laughing. He was the amount of funny as baekhyun, but he was too competitive for that. He said he was funnier.

The road now was too steep, the large ass car would never fit. If it was a regular car it might, but Chanyeol's car was a giant.

"You should just stop the car here." I stated looking at the road. "I'll just walk around it. It's just there." I pointed at the large house, in the far left.

He looked like he was thinking, then he looked at the road again. He seated back after doing so, then tapped his fingers at the wheel. Moments later, he tapped again.

"Oh God, just think already!" I widened my eyes at him. He mouthed a sorry.

"Alright. That's still a little far." He looked at the house, then back to me. "Come on, I'll walk you." He said as he got out of the car. I didn't even had a chance to speak.

I looked at him, sheepishly as I got out. "You don't have to, I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself." I said as I hugged my coat to my bod tighter. It was so freaking cold.

He clicked his tongue. "We can't discuss that now, can we? You're going to freeze." He said while he walked ahead.

I gritted my teeth, as I followed him. Now we're walking side by side. "Stubborn and competitive. A lot of girls like that." I said sarcastically.

He laughed, a warm laugh. "My EXO-L, likes that." He smiled. He loves his fans. Well... so do I.

I smiled. "They love you." I could feel that he was looking at me, and smiling. He knew that his fans do love him.

"You know your fans love you too, right? I mean they wouldn't be your fans if they don't love you." He said as we walked closer to the house.

I smiled more, as I thought of them. "I love them more than anything." I looked up at him, and we smiled at each other. "I'm really proud of those that haven't met us yet. They really love us, and shield us, and defend us. To think about it, they barely even know us. I'm so happy to know that they love us to that state, when we can't even lay the time to see them as much... but they do."

He sighs. "I know the feeling. I wish we could've visited more countries, our international fans would've loved that."

We both stopped, as we're in front of the house. "Alright. You should go. It's two in the morning and we got to get up early."

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