The awakening

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No ones POV
Inko midoriya was at the hospital with her husband Hisashi midoriya. When Inko gave birth to their son.
(Three years later)
Izuku was playing with his friend bakugo when bakugo got his quirk. Izuku said that he'll get his quirk really soon just like bakugo.
Bakugo POV
Even if you get a quirk mine will still be better deku!
Izuku POV
Don't say that kacchan! Your being mean!
Bakugo POV
Shut it! I'm cooler and awsomer!
(Why can't stupid deku understand that he can't be a hero without a quirk!)
When Inko saw bakugo and izuku fighting she laughed because she never seen izuku get all mad before. When she took izuku home he began to glow and then not glow and this made Inko worrier so she told izuku to get in the car and she drove to the Jaku Hospital wear they see if a child develops their quirk. When they got to the front desk Inko explained and they took izuku to the main doctor who does the quirk inspecting.
Doctor POV
Well mrs.midoryia it seems if your son well have a quirk.
Inko POV
That's wonderful but he isn't even four yet?!
Doctor POV
Let me ask the nurse if anything else has come up. Mrs.Nurse!
Nurse POV
Yes doctor?
Doctor POV
Can you tell me if there's anything else?
Nurse POV
Doctor you need to see this?! This is huge no big news these are the first of their kind?!
Doctor POV
What?! Wait you mean his quirk?!
The doctors looks at izuku's quirk sheet and his eye balls go little because he's never seen these type of results.
Doctor POV
Mrs.midoryia your son well he has more than one quirk! And these are the first of their kind!
Inko POV
What?! Really!
Doctor POV
Yes but we don't know what they should be called but I let your son decide that and after that we'll do some tests to see what he can do with them.
Inko POV
The societies ask him what he wanted to name them izuku said demon king,supreme deity and kitsune. The doctors agreed and started to test izuku quirks. They found out that izuku is more powerful in his supreme deity form then his other angle forms and same with demon king and kitsune.
Doctors POV
Alright mrs.midoriya we done testing and he's good and his quirk are beyond S+ so we'll be sending this information to the hero society and the news may find this as well.
Inko POV
That's alright as long as he's fine
Inko took izuku out of the hospital with izuku smiling and being happy.
(Next day)
Izuku went to school and showed everyone his quirks and what surprised everyone was that with supreme deity and kitsune it turns him into a female which was cool to say the least. But bikini saw deku asa rival and would make sure to be the number one hero. When the teacher put the t.v. on the news immediately came on.
We're here at the jaku hospital and we have heard that a child born with three quirks. And they are above S+ which are rare and these quirks are called supreme deity,demon king,and kitsune. Now kitsune quirk makes the persona female and when at nine tails she is immortal and is at equal level as a god. Demon king is a demon god that can give curses and power but not many is know because we have yet to get information and the same thing with the quirk supreme deity but the thing is it's the first of their kind!. Everyone looked at izuku and he said what there telling them is the truth and they were amazed that izuku is now a god or goddess.
(Six years later)
Izuku was at school and everyone new that there is a boy in some country that has these quirks and there trying to find him or her. Some want to marry this person or do a quirk marriage for its power.
Izuku was at school and bakugo was saying to izuku
Bakugo POV
Deku I'm going to be the number one hero and your not going to defeat me!
Izuku POV
Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that!
The teacher went into the classroom and told everyone to think of their future and tossed the papers in the air.
Teacher POV
I know what you all want to be! You all want to be a hero!
The class was cheering
Bakugo POV
Hey don't lump me in with these trash I'm going to U.A and become the number one hero!
Izuku POV
Your not the only one kacchan. I'm going to
Everyone was excited to see izuku as the number one hero
Bakugo POV
Yeah right just you see I'll be excepted before you!
After school was over izuku went to he t some groceries for his mother when he was walking close to a bridge he sensed someone in their and heard laughing.
Sludge villain
Heheh you'll be a fantastic meat shield!
The sludge villain attack izuku but was stopped by a barrier around izuku and izuku unleashed a wave of holy spears at the villain!
Izuku POV
Raaa! Light spears!
The light spear started to go at the sludge villain and see damaging him enough and izuku looked behind him real dad because he sensed a huge energy coming his way and saw some one with blond hair.
Never fear for I am here!
Izuku POV
All might?!
All might attacks the villain. Detroit smash!
And a gust of wind shot the villain and all might put the villain in a coke bottle.
Izuku POV
All might I have a question?
All might POV
What is it young one?
Izuku POV
Can someone who has three quirks and powerful ones at that become a pro hero?
All might looks shocked and remembered that there was a boy with three quirks that had god like powers and ability's.
All might POV
Kid before I began are you the child with the quirks supreme deity,demon king, and kitsune?
Izuku POV
Yes that's me so am I able to become a pro hero?
All might POV
Of course you can! After you pass U.A of course and I'll be even train you to use your powers!
Izuku POV
Thanks all might bit can you answer me a few questions?
All might POV
Go ahead! But let's make this quick because I got to put this villain in jail.
Izuku POV
All right number one how did you get that wound. Number two I'll help you train to get you back to your prime and three I hope to see you at U.A
All mightPOV
Wait how did you know about my wound and how are you going to be able to train me?!
Izuku POV
Well I can sense things it's thanks to my quirks that can sense even the smallest scratches and I can heal your wound for you if you want me to. And I have the power of a god slash goddesses so I have a huge boost of strength and power.
All might POV
Wait you can heal my wound but not even the best doctors could heal this damage not even recovery girl?!
Izuku POV
Well this a god slash goddess healing power so of course I can do the impossible. Now come here
All might went to izuku and he lifted his shirt. Izuku put both of his hands together and eight and green magic began to cover izuku hands and heal his wound and regenerate his organs. This surprised all might because he felt power surge in him and felt younger as well.
All might POV
Young boy how did you do that?!
Izuku POV
Well I healed your wound and regenerated your organs. And my name is izuku midoriya
All might POV
Well young midoriya I'll see you at dohgama beach
All might flew away and with a smile and izuku went and picked up hair groceries and walked to his house. When izuku got to the road he hard lowed crash and sirens.
Izuku POV
I wonder what that was.
Izuku goes to the place and sees the sludge villain
Izuku POV
(Wait it's that sludge villain?! Did all might drop it?! Just great!)
Izuku was going to leave when someone says he has someone. Izuku looks again and sees his childhood friend bakugo is being used as a meat shield. This triggers izuku to go and confront the sludge villain while the police and hero's were trying to get him away from going to him.
Sludge villain POV
I got a perfect meat shield with a nice quirk and then I see someone trying to come up to me how stupid that just gets me a advantage. When he comes a little closer he's seems familiar to me.
The sludge villain looks a bit closer and sees izuku
Sludge villain POV
Everyone looks at izuku.
Izuku POV
Let him go.
Slime POV
Ha! Like I let this meat shield go.He's my ticket out of hear!.
Izuku began to get mad and everyone saw arua around him and it was dark and had a murders intent
Izuku POV
Let him go or I'll make you
Slime villain POV
Never! And lets see you try little boy!

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