U.A exams

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When izuku woke up he knew that it was time to go train with all might so he got ready and opens a portal to dohgama beach.
All might POV
I got up super early and went to dohgama beach in order to get ready for our training. I found a huge pile of trash and thought it would be good for both me and young midoriya. I even got gym equipment with me. I saw a black portal open up and see midoryia with demon horns and two devil wings and a small bald tail wi Th a heart on it. Do young midoriya are you ready?
Izuku POV
I'm ready all might let's do this
Izuku and all might trained each other they raced to see I who can pick up the trash after than the other which Izuku one. Izuku even explained all the supreme deity quirk and the demon king and kitsune quirks power and ability and saw all nights face turned surprised. Izuku even went full beast kitsune mode and all might battle a huge nine tails which Izuku out a barrier so know one would notice. After their long battle over the months all might felt more powerful than his prime. Which izuku's said that he created a room to wear one day at death is one year in the room. And that he wasn't going all out but was using ten percent of his power which was good for all might.
All might POV
I'm amazed that your only using ten percent of your power and your helping me to get stronger why is that.
Izuku POV
Well one is that your the symbol of peace so you need to get stronger for the people and two I see you as a father figure since I've never met my dad. So from time to time you may hear me call you dad might.
All might POV
Heh keep this up ad I might actually adopt you
Izuku POV
Hehehe we'll see but I wouldn't mind.
So am I going to do the U.A exams or are you going to put me in threw recommendations?.
All might POV
Well since everyone knows your a god like being because of your quirks and intelligence we wear wondering if you would be part of the course for the exams like the points and help the rest of the U.A students.
Izuku POV
I would be honored but do I get attend U.A and by that I mean hero course and all that even the classroom?
All might POV
Why yes of course we need a hero like you out there so don't worry I'll explain that part to nezu the principle of U.A
Izuku POV
All right well I should be getting home so that I can study the Writing exam.
All might POV
I'm sure you'll be fine young midoriya
(Next day)
Izuku went to U.A and saw a bunch of other people and everyone new who izuku was so they were hoping that they're war in the same class as izuku. When he got in he was put in a classroom and was given the writing exam and after that was the course but ida asked pro hero mic if izuku was participating in the point exam.
You'll find out he will either be joining you to get points to go to U.A or he will be one of the obstacles to get to U.A so be prepared for anything.
Everyone looked at izuku and he gave them a kind smile which everyone blushed and thought that he wouldn't be part of the o sticks course. Everyone one was destroying robot from left or right with bakugo having the most points and todoroki at second and iida at third.
Everyone was getting close to the finish line when they saw izuku there just grinning a waving at them but they stopped once izuku showed a grin with a black arua around him meaning he's part of the course.
Random student: oh man!
Random student2: he's out of this! We're damned?!
Random student3: oh come on!
Izuku POV
Izuku was laughing because they all had the look of fear in their eyes. Then izuku said.
Hey all of you. You best attack me because I decide wether you go to U.A or not and kacchan don't think just because we're childhood friends I'll give you a free pass! Well maybe I will.

Everyone:you basterd!
Bakugo POV
What the hell shitty deku!
Izuku POV
What was that kacchan I think I misheard you? Did you call me shitty?
Izuku dark arua was getting bigger and bigger and he had a kind smile with evil intentions boiling up. Then one of the students said
??: your very pretty
This for some unknown reasion made izuku heart beat go up
Izuku POV
My my no need to be truth full
I guess I'll let you past. Wait what is your name?
Izuku POV
Alright todoroki you can go know
Everyone was shock that he let someone go because he got a complement from him. But to theirs surprise izuku teleported todoroki back to them with shock in his face.
You think a silly complement would give you free pass to U.A well sorry but you got to earn your way threw. Now attack me and if you land one scratch on me you get to go thers but the teacher told me to use only three percent of my power because you guys don't have experience yet.
All future 1-A kids were surviving but they couldn't t get a scratch on izuku and they heard the zero pointer coming there way and izuku saw a student under rubble and recognize her.
That's uraraka ochaco?!
Izuku's went to uraraka to go save here then the zero pointer was going to step on her when izuku said
Holy beam!
A huge wave of holy light hit the zero pointer from the sky and destroyed it leaving a black mark on the ground and no ash's remaining.
Everyone was surprised that he got ride of something that was so big.
Let me heal you
Izuku transform to his kitsune form with nine tails behind him. He put one of his tails on her wound and healed it. They saw izuku look like this.

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