7. Silver Keys

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"It's the Wheel of Fortune!" Cana was so excited about it she accidentally declared it loudly, "Eir, you got the Wheel of Fortune card!"

In pure instinct, Eir scrunched up his face and scowled. His hand still deep in the mess of Cana's hair, so the hair tie between his teeth made for a weird sight.

"A fateful encounter, right?" he muttered, "leave it to anime cliches to tell me I'm gonna be meeting someone troublesome again. Yikes."

Setting down the comb, he whirled the girl's hair into a perfect ponytail, and huffed in satisfaction.

"Maybe Eir will finally get a girlfriend!" Cana beamed, showing the card to Laxus like it was something amazing, "ah, he can get a boyfriend too, if he wants, I guess."

"You know that doesn't always point to love," Eir tried, but it fell on deaf ears.

Laxus was considering the card with a very thoughtful expression, arms folded, "well then, the lucky girl will need to learn to share... I mean, we found him first, so Eir is technically ours by right--"

"I am not anyone's--"

"What if she steals Eir from us?!" Cana wailed, tone in despair but face full of sarcastic humour, "I won't have anyone to tie my hair up for me anymore!"

"Tie it up yourself!"

Eir groaned, setting his head on the table and wanting to take a year-long nap. When did he become the Tsukkomi of the group?

X773, Eir is fourteen years old. Laxus is twelve, and Cana is seven.

For a twelve-year-old, Laxus is painfully tall. Heck, he was almost as tall as Eir and in another year, curse him, he'll probably overshoot Eir if Ivan's height was anything to talk about.

Curse you, tall teenagers.

(Across the room, Reedus sneezes.)

Cana had taken to learning the tarot, and her fortunes are always spot on. Some think it comes true because she divined it rather than the other way around. After a suggestion from Macao and Wakaba, and the Master, she'd begun to learn Card Magic too.

To the left of her belly, her guild mark is black. She and Laxus both chose to have their guild marks set there, exactly where Eir had his own.

He just hoped this wouldn't become a trend.

"Alright, you two," Eir started, "what are the rules?"

"Don't destroy important things," Laxus said, matter-of-factly, "and don't beat up the customer until after he pays you."

"Follow Macao and Wakaba and kick them in the balls if they look like they're leeching over some lady!" Cana added cheerfully.

"Don't add unnecessary details, you delinquents in the making!" Eir grinded his teeth, face darkening sharply, "don't beat up anyone, and stop bullying Macao and Wakaba."

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