Your Time

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Your Time

May 16,2019 @12:07am

Life feels like the winter sky

A vast spread of darkness with a few shining lights

The lights twinkle and fade

As night turns into day

Where the sun beats down on your skin

And the wind scratches your cheeks

The cold weather seeps deep into your bones

Eventually winter will turn to spring

When the mosquitoes come out to eat and the birds begin to screech

The scent of blossoms overwhelms your nose

The water-leaden clouds rain on your parade

And then the season turns to summer

Where the sun could not beat down hotter

And your skin feels like it's melting off

You can't find a thin enough top

You may be out of school finally

But it's time to get a job and start adulting

Fun? What's that? Think about your tuition money

Then fall comes and it's back to school

Back to times of late nights and crying

Crying yourself to sleep, over your textbooks, during class

You constantly feel like you can shatter like glass

And you know this isn't the end, the cycle repeats over and over and over again

Until you reach the end

Of your time.

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