chapter 20: I love you more

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Nicoles p.o.v
when I woke up I walked downstairs. everyone was already awake they were waiting for me. I didn't know why but it was kind of nice.
"hey babe good morning how did you sleep?" kian asked giving me a kiss
"I um.. slept well" I smiled and kissed him back
"so what are we doing today?" kian asked me
"I dont know what do you wanna do?" I looked at kian.
"I want to spend time alone with you" kian smiled and kissed me again.

kians p.o.v
I wanna spend time alone with Nicole today like I planned yesterday. fatty and sam are gonna be alone today. me and Nicole never spend time alone anymore ive been with all the boys and shes been with Connor a lot. but it doesn't mean anything Connors like a brother to nicole so they would never date or would they? I have to ask her.
"kian ive been talking to you for the last ten minates are you ok?" Nicole said looking conserned
"yea im fine Nicole you love me right?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes
"yea why would you ask me that I will always love you" Nicole looked worried now
"Its just that you have been spending more time with connor than me" a tear slide down my face
"kian connors like my brother your my boyfriend I love you more than anything" Nicole said looking at me I looked like a hot mess I had tears running down my face and my nose was runny. but nicole didn't care she ran up to me and kissed me.
"kian lets stay here and relax today" Nicole smiled
"im good with that as long as im with you" I smiled and wiped my face.

Nicoles p.o.v
I was so confused why kian thought I am dating connor. He's like a brother to me why would I date him plus I love kian more than anything. I don't think I would ever cheat on the best boyfriend I have ever had. me and kian then went to our room and watched ouiji. Every time a ghost popped up or a person died I hid my face in kians sholder and screamed.
"why are you screaming its not scary" kian laughs at me
"it is scary a ghost pops out of nowhere and kills people thats just creepy" I looked at kian with a duh face. Then at the end of the movie I was scared even more because it is dark but I am next to kian so I know I will be ok.

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