chapter 24: who do I choose?

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Nicoles p.o.v
It was quiet the whole way to were we were going. Its kinda awkward sitting in the car with my ex. Ok we pulled up to a beach.
"Why are we at the beach?" I ask kinda rude oops.
"You will find out" he smiles and gets out of the car and lets me out.We walk to the sand. There was a blanket with food on it. Its a picnic in the sunset.

Kians p.o.v
I walk nicole down to the sand of the beach and I know she seen the picnic because she screamed.
"AAAAAAHHHH I LOVE IT" nicole screamed so loud I dont think I can hear.
"Its so romantic" she said calmly
"Glad you like it. lets eat" I say as I look at the food.
"Nicole can I ask you something?" I say ask I look at the sunset
"Yea" she says looking at me
"Will you move back in with me? I know its a stupid question but I live by myself and I can't live without you and-" nicole cuts me off with a kiss
"You just k-kissed m-me" I said kinda shocked
"I had to shut you up some how so I kissed you and of course ill move back in with you. You took me on 5 dates I think thats enough to prove you love me and I still dont know if I can trust you but we will see." She said as she got up.

Nicoles p.o.v
Me and kian just left from the beach were going back to my apartment that im giving to jc. Well we just got to the apartment and I told jc im moving in with kian.

Jc's p.o.v
"What do you mean your leaving me?!?!" I screamed at nicole
"I mean im moving out this is now your apartment" nicole said calmly
"No I need to protect you and I don't wanna live by myself" I said calmly

"Jc I don't need to be protected im not 5 im 18 I don't need protection. And if you don't wanna be alone get a girlfriend" nicole said rudly. I can't get a girlfriend if the girl I love is dating my bestfriend.
"Well I dont want a girlfriend right now" I said honestly
"Why you would be happier with one" nicole said even more rude
"Because the girl I love is dating my best friend" I screamed telling the truth
"Wait your best friend is.... kian what?!?" She screamed I didnt think she would take it that way.
"I-im sorry" I said as I walked out of the house I almost cried.
"Jc wait let me speak!" She screamed but I kept walking.

Nicoles p.o.v
Who should I pick jc the one who been with me through everything when kian was cheating on me to were I was crying and needed someone to confert me. Or kian who I loved since a year and a half and put me through hell but always came back and makes me the happiest girl alive. But either way I love them both I dont know what to do. Kian ran out of the apartment and looked at me.
"Kian I-I dont know what to do"  a tear slide down my face
"You dont know who to pick well call me when you do" kian says as he walks to his car and drives off.

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