...And Eve was weak

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*Carrie's Pov*

Here I am sitting in Jordan's car.  We sit in silence but it's a comfortable silence. Once Jack was dropped off. Jordan drove me to my house. I was so anxious. I knew we would be home alone but still. We pulled up outside my house and we got out.

"Jordan do you want a glass of water or a bite to it?"

"Thanks Carrie but I'd rather just be with you and keeping an eye on you." I knew I was blushing deeply.

"Erm, Okay."

Once we were inside. I decided that it was now or never. If I didn't tell him now that I loved him now. I never will have the chance.

*Jordan's POV*

I know now is not the time but if I wait any longer it'll be too late .

"Carrie I have something to tell you. It's quite important. Please don't freak out. Please just hear me out okay?" She nodded.

"Carrie White I have been in love with you since I was old enough to know what the word 'love' means in a more romantic way. Each day I find myself falling head over heels for you more and more everyday. I hope this doesn't ruin things between us..."

She interrupted me
"Jordan I feel the same way towards you." I breathed a sigh of relief. I haven't ruined what we have. I didn't know what to do so I pulled her in a hug. 

"Carrie we may be rushing things but I have been dying to ask you know. Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." 


"Kiss me please." (A/N: I know that this is very out of character for  Carrie but due to me giving her a friend  I thought she might be a tiny bit more confident in herself. A bit more....bolder. Deal with it!)

I  was taken aback by her boldness but I obliged. Our lips moved in perfect harmony. My slightly dry lips brushing against her perfect soft lips. Our kiss was harmonious.

When we parted Carrie giggled.

"Well I say that is good kiss considering I have never kissed anyone  like that." I said and we giggled even more.

*Carrie's POV*

I never thought I would ever be able to feel like this. So happy, in love and protected. I don't know how long we stand there hugging but by the time we part I hear a car engine.


"What is it honey?" 

"My momma is here." 


"Quick hide she'll have seen your car."

"Where do I hide?" 

I look around and realise the only place he could hide is my prayer closet.  I gulp.

"In there." I say he nods. and opens the door without touching the handle. It perplexes me but I don't want to keep from hiding. Once he's inside a crack on the door appears. I quickly grab my school bag and begin reading a textbook. Momma walks through the door.

"Hello Momma." I say trying to sound innocent. Before she replies the phone rang. I gulp again.

About 10 minutes later momma puts the phone down.

"Carrie come here." 

"Yes Momma." 

*Jordan's POV*

Carrie:  What Might've Been?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن