The World according to Sue...

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*Sue's POV*

"Sue glad you could make it to the party!" Chris exclaimed

"Yea glad to be here." I said praying that the sarcasm wasn't evident in my voice. Chris seemed to overlook it if she even noticed. The party was kicking off the music was blaring the air was thick with the smell of alcohol and something else. I looked over to Chris who was showing Billy something on her phone. Most likely the video. Regret swelled up inside of me like a balloon. I did a really shitty thing for no reason. The next thing I heard over the music was Norma's voice.

"Do you think we're gonna get detention because of that thing with Carrie?" We deserve it I thought.

"Oh please. They should be thanking us for helping her through her first period. I threw a tampon at her so what." Chris said then she looked over to me.

"Oh quit it sue. My daddy taught me you get nowhere being nice. So I am sharing his advice. The World according to me is better to strike then get struck. Better to screw then get screwed."

"Oh Chris you can't really mean it all. What does it cost to be kind?"

"Ew what happened to you." She stormed off and went to the laptop that was playing the music." When I heard Norma say.

"You really tried to help her right?" Chris replied with laughter and then said.

"We should post it."

"Tommy I need to talk to you outside."


Once were outside I began to talk.

"Can you believe her? She took a goddamn film and is now gonna post it."

"Sue it's Chris were talking about her why are you surprised."

"I was in there to. I also threw tampons and sanitary napkins at Carrie."

"Wait what?"


"Well I kicked a kid in the ribs once in the sixth grade."


"Yeah. Danny Patrick. He beat the living shit outta me for years. And one day I just had enough."

"I just feel so bad?"

"Sue you probably don't want to know but wanna know what I advise?"



"Apologise! Tommy that's genius!"

"shall we go back inside?"

"We're gonna have to."

We went back in and to my utter despair Chris had found a projector and was showing the video.

"Oh shit." I murmured

"Well perhaps she hasn't posted it yet." Tommy said Just then Chris yelled at Billy

"Billy babe what's your favourite movie?"

"Blood Sport."

"Norma what's your favorite drink?"

"Bloody Mary!"

"Oh shit! She's posting it now. We have to go now if I want to apologise." I say frantically as I practically dragging Tommy out of Chris house. And to his pick up truck.

*Jack's POV*

I was playing on my cell phone because Jordan and Carrie were preparing dinner when a notification from one of my drama classmates popped up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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