The Sad day of birth

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-Sokami's Pov-

It was a cold morning about 5 in the morning when felt something that felt off as if someone was gently humming in his ear that sounded exactly like his father used to do to him and his brother to sleep he ended up waking up in a bolt for he knew it was impossible.

He ended up being awake till morning sun shined slowly descending rays of light upon his heavily pregnant wife who was exhausted from her pregnancy since accidentally eating a devil fruit the same day she might have gotten pregnant from their last visit with the very caring Rogue who may have given it to her on accident after cutting it up since it was a cherry tomato in her salad.
Her expression when she tasted like she was kicked in face by multiple horrible taste and priceless expression on her whole face looked like she wanted to throw up but ended up choking and swallowing it.
He couldn't help but laugh a bit but ended up with a big bump on his head with steam coming off of it.

That had been about 8 months ago before finding out in during her third month of pregnancy before we even noticed she was not feeling well since she was normally very healthy but As the months grew her health was a bit shaky and unpredictable at times she would be fine the next she would have a fever or a cold it had seemed as if our child threw off her devil fruit power since at first she trained and trained without knowing but it was to late to regret things so he tried his best to help and find ways to help give her the best nutrients and vitamins in her food

It was a sight to see for him his wife and their whole family were his world for he wouldn't been there without their help. Until One day he saw the newspaper and then his whole being shattered.

He had felt as if a Sword had pierced his whole being shaking as he read that O'hara was Destroyed and all the fingers where pointed At his beautiful Little Arch that was his Godchild Nico Robin. That She was the one that Destroying a whole island with more than 2000 people in its not physically possible for a child to even do that especially with her devil fruit powers where just to create limbs at will including where she would look and make limbs pop up.

For Kami's Sake she was Only 8 she never could have done this.
He should have listened to Olivia and went with her if only he had but he couldn't leave his wife for her healing powers were even more out of whack since the baby started growing bigger but he has to find them please Brother please be alive I'm begging you. you can't be gone like this . Robin please be safe run run as fast as u can please I'll find you just hold on We will keep looking everywhere for you .

He felt tears rise in his eyes and his throat close a bit and his hands slamming into the deck until bloody as he shook uncontrollably as his Captain and First Mate Came up running to him holding his arms back from hitting the deck more askin if he was ok as suddenly that what was wrong to make him go berserk.

He started Wailing at the top of his lungs could falling on his knees suddenly realizing His Father really did visit him to say goodbye that his brother might be dead as well that Olivia Died along with Saul and his Friends Clover and the scholars they were all gone
With all his voice he could master to whimper out as the words formed into something that made everyone on deck blood went cold except for a certain bullet who was in the crow'snest.

"O'Hara has been Erased of the map... including everyone I knew and known since a child.... including My Papa....They must have done a B-Buster c-call.."

As Captain was read of the news his whole being grew stiff as if shocked to even move then His Haki almost leaked out but he knew he couldn't for it could maybe hurt his Future Crew mate who hasn't been born yet

Rayleigh tried calling for me but my mind was blank remembering of my dear friends and family and my people of O'hara all Gone in The matter of Time without a warning.

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