The Scar Legend

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Warning adult themes happen later on. that includes, slavery,rape,blood,and gore, severe starvation. you have been warned

-Sebastian's pov-

"When I was younger I remember asking my godfather and my father about my birthmarks." I said "I was bout 3 I think but my memory is really good that I remember a lot far back. We were on my original Captain's Ship that my parents met and got engaged down the line." I walked up by the edge of the hall gently leaning against the wall as I look up into nothing

" I saw Papa had Giant birthmark on his stomach I thought it was normal at first then I would look at mine but I noticed mine were different I had more than five..I didn't understand what it meant till Papa told me the story of My father's side of the family."


"Papaaaaa Paaapaaa look what Cherry-niii let me useee it do I look like Baba and Cherry-niichan?!!!"

I ran from the treasury to the deck screaming on the top of my lungs.
On top of my head was A very Familiar Strawhat with a red ribbon

"Hai my sundown you look like a spitting image of your uncles jihihihi" he bursted out laughing gently petting my head like a small puppy

I looked up at papa with stars in my eyes
"Yaaaay I can maybe be the Future Pirate King in the future?!"

And then a booming voice called out
"You wish squirt if your gonna be pirata king than what am I gonna be and wouldn't that mean you would have to fight me for it huh?"
Baba walked in with his tall figure and his large mustache

I ran to him tackling his legs

"Babaaaaa I would never hurt chu chu mi uncle Baba I don't need to be pirata king anymore I rather be Baba's Assistant Chef right papa?!" I turned so fast  to papa I almost got dizzy

"Woah there buddy I was kidding I would never fight Cha "
He picked me up and threw me in the air

I squealed and laughed at how fun it felt

"Papa catch meee" Baba threw me in the air and I fell fast before papa caught me in his arms

"Jihihi you have to be more careful  Captain our little chef here is gonna need to be strong today is his first day making a weapon"

I felt a giant grin from Baba

" So your FINALLY gonna tell him the tale of the Scar aren't ya.."  his grin grew more wide

"Yes Captain, I think it is time for him to find out the truth about our Birthmarks and my family's history"

"Papa what truth?" I said tilting my head

Baba picked me up and put me on his shoulder

"Come let's go to my corder's so we can talk" he carried me to his room while papa walked behind us

As we entered the room papa closed the door and locks it

Baba sat me down on a chair and sat across from me and Papa sat down next to me

"Son I'd like to explain why you have many many marks on your body and my mark as well" he explained

I nodded before putting on my brave face

Baba had a thinking face but in reality he looked almost constipated

Trying not to laugh I put my serious face

"Son long ago back when the world wasn't the world we know now before it was called the void century where no one and I mean no one knows what happened during it other than the few surviours that escaped the government when it was first created. There was a family that were very very unique  so unique that they had multiple abilities and skills that not many had we were one of the first people to create weapons and armor including cursed objects without being hurt due to our strong will that can over power the curse and taking it to create a new and improved weapon without being killed by it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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