The Fallen Crows

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-Sebastians pov-

It's been officially four weeks of running I've been looking for a island to hide for a day since the snow storm are rolling in. We landed on a winter island I decided to make everyone wait for me on the boat to see if it was safe I told my uncle that he needed to rest and keep watch at the same time since we were in hiding

I was wrapped in a big cloak and a warm hat that tried to cover my horns even tho they would break right through the hat no matter how much I tried to fix it.

It was about dark when I searched for something I felt that needed me then I heard it behind a mound of snow I peeked over to find a tall man with blonde hair and a black feathered cloak and clown make-up with bloody cuts and some wounds talking inside to a chest I peeked over to see a boy with white spots and my heart skipped a beat to feel his soul wavering as if it was dying I felt like my heart would break. I didn't even know this kid or the man yet I felt bad that where in this situation.

I wanted to do something but then I heard the taller man tell the boy

"Doffy wants you and opi opi power. Me and Doffy are brothers of course he will get angry with me but he certainly will not kill me, calm, this will make anything you interact with do not make a fuss! Okay see you in the next city,
Hey law I love you " with a large smile even with blood and a missing tooth he still meant that smile and a bluish orb circle the boy as if quieting him

Then I saw his soul like it was grieving as if it was saying goodbye one last time

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks for some reason as if I felt his pain

Then he closed the chest before facing turning around and pulling out his gun and standing up forward a even taller man with the same shade of blonde hair but with glasses he gave off a evil aura that made me hesitant and want to do something but I couldn't risk both their lives I didn't know them but I needed to help them because I knew no one would be on time

All of a sudden strings began to cage in the island as if it was a bird cage my heart stopped at the taller blondes words

"Where is law brother or should I say traitor?" He said with veins popping out of his forehead

Eww he looked nasty

They pointed their guns at each other

"There's no way you can shoot me, you are too much like our father."

"Law will not obey you! Doffy ,after suffering from white lead disease, he was sentenced to death three years later but he did. He is not the same person ... who remained his way and came to the crazy pirate that day there is nothing to gain from you since you are like a child's destruction! Leave him alone! He is free now!"

I felt the boys soul become lighter but at the same time it felt heavy as if he knew the man was lying to him

Then Gun shots pierced the blonde clown like man multiple times making him land on his back

I felt my heart shatter who could someone shoot their family

I felt so angry why would he do that to someone who your supposed to protect

I wanted to do something but I'll have to wait I couldn't just fly in blind I needed a plan

It's been five minutes and I felt so impatient they ended up taking the chest with this law boy in it leaving the lone man all alone

I ran to him pulling his shirt up gasping loudly his wounds where exactly where my one birthmarks were

"What is this possible..I'm so sorry i wasn't able to get to you sooner I have to do something. I can't lose you even though I just found you" I panicked as I started tearing up while covering his chest with my hands begging for it to work

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