Part 3

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    The gardens of Denham House were beautifully appointed with extra flowers, garlands, colored glass lanterns and refreshment tables. The wedding guests were quietly mingling as Lady Denham and the bride and groom held court under a tent with their own table of champagne, cakes, and strawberries. Charlotte was anxious to leave now that the ceremony was over, Mrs. Campion had maintained a healthy distance from her throughout the day which was perfectly amenable to Charlotte. She overheard plenty of gossip regarding the obvious enmity Mrs. Campion was showing Charlotte but she forced herself to say nothing about it and comfort herself with the knowledge that in two days she would be heading home to Willingden. She decided to get a glass of lemonade and find Georgianna before letting Mary know she wished to walk back to town. She chose a glass and turned around to nearly spill it on Sidney's chest.

    "Miss Heywood, excuse me."

    "Excuse me Mr. Parker," she said without meeting his eyes, then turning again to leave she got out, "good day to you sir."

    "Wait...Please, Charlotte... Are you umm, well?"

    "Perfectly well thank you Mr. Parker. I imagine you are thoroughly busy with your own approaching nuptials." She still couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes, seeing the sadness in them which she knew was there would only multiply her own.

    "Well, Eliza has taken full control of that area. It will sadly be nothing like this wedding which is much more to my taste."

    "I see. Well good luck to you sir." And she turned again to leave.

    "Wait!" then he whispered, "Charlotte, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for how she has ill-treated you. I wish there was some way to make amends."

    "Think nothing of it Mr. Parker. I did what anyone should do. And Mrs. Campion has made no secret of her regard towards me. Anyway, it shall all be over soon enough."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Only that I am going home on Sunday. Truthfully, I miss my family and can't bear to be so idle and useless here in Sanditon as I have been of late. I beg you would excuse me, good day Mr. Parker." And with that she set down her untouched lemonade and made a direct line for Mary and Tom who were paying their respects to the bride and groom. Charlotte could not leave without congratulating her friend on her happiness, though hers seemed so far away now as to appear lost in twilight.

    Lady Denham watched Sidney speaking to Charlotte and couldn't help but abandon the tent and walk towards the bewildered gentleman just as Charlotte was heading towards her with tears in her eyes. Lady Denham stopped her and quietly said, "Do not give way to grief my dear. He loves you, but he is a man and will therefore take his time in finding his way. He is in love with you, not that creature! And don't you forget it!"

    Charlotte looked at The Great Lady of the County with utter disbelief and said, "I thank you my lady but I cannot allow myself to hope. It is far too painful and there is little cause to believe it will ever come true. I appreciate your concern and your attention; however, I feel it is best for everyone for me to separate myself from this place as soon as I can."

    "Well that woman has another thing coming if she thinks she is going to come into my town and have some gaudy wedding in MY assembly hall. So, you take comfort in the fact that there are many of us in your corner my dear!"

    Charlotte was on the verge of tears and all she could do to acknowledge the kind sentiments was to bob a curtsey and flee before she lost her composure. Lady Denham continued her trek over to Sidney and blurted out at him, "you know of course that she's still in love with you, you fool."

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