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          For many years Victoria and her friends had been following God's order to win every

battle against their enemies. One day, they discover a new land and named it Republic City

where people around the world could live together as a family. Because Victoria had obey God,

God has chosen her to be the new leader of Republic City. There Victoria started a new life with

Sokka and gave birth to a son and name him David. One night, God spoke to Victoria in a dream

saying that she have to leave Republic City because enemies would try to take her away.

Victoria didn't want to leave her new family, but God promise her that one day she will be

reunited with her family and show her a vision of her son, David, future, so Victoria left as fast

as she could without Sokka and David noticing. When Sokka woke up, he notice that Victoria

was not in her bed and saw enemies outside so he, Kitara, Toph, and John arrest them for

trying to take Victoria away. Sokka, Kitara, John, and Toph try to search for Victoria, but there

was no trail of her anywhere, so they had to guide Republic City on their own, and kept on

searching for Victoria. Now it's been five years and there was no sign of Victoria and Republic

City started to fall out of balance. One night, God spoke to Sokka in a dream saying that he has

to take his son, David, to Alaska to start his training, because he is chosen to be the next leader

of Republic City, and that one day he will find his mother. So Sokka woke up and took his son to

Alaska and start his training, but he did not want to lose his son, and that's when the story


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