The Trader

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One morning David went to find his Uncle, Aunt and cousin's in Savanah's house to

invite them to stay with him and his father. "Hey guys," said David, "Oh hay David, what happen

to your eye and arm," ask Bolin, "It's a long story (not wanting to tell what had happen last

night) so any way I heard that you and your folks don't have a place to stay so my dad and I

decided to let you and your parents to live with us in our house," said David. "Thanks, we

appreciate the invitation, but we can't accept it because Savanah ask her father for permission

to let us stay in their house," said Bolin which made David very upset. "But don't worry, you

can come and visit us anytime you want besides were still family," said Mako which made David

fell a little bit better. David was about to leave until he bump into Savanah, "Hey David, I

haven't seen you all day, what happen to your eye and arm," said Savanah in a worried way,

"Oh it's nothing really," said David not wanting her to worry, "Well it could get worst, come on

let me help you with your wounds," said Savanah while taking David to her room. "So David, I

was wondering if you would like to come back tomorrow to have some fun," ask Savanah,

"Sorry but I have to help my Dad in some situation since Amon's attack," said David, "Come on

David it will be fun, besides you could use a break after last night," said Savanah, "OK, I should

probably go home and start my training," said David, "OK, see you tomorrow," said Savanah

while waving goodbye to David which made him to blush. The next day David went to visit his

cousin's in Savanah's house after helping his father. Savanah showed David the house, the area

to play games and a giant swimming pool, "Wow your house is really big," said David, "Thanks I

also have a testing field to test your skills, want a try it," said Savanah, "Yes!" Said David in a

happy way. After David tried the testing field, he ask Savanah saying, "Hey, where's the

bathroom," "Upstairs, third door on the right," Savanah replied, "Thanks," said David before

running to the bathroom. After his 'business' David was washing his hands while thinking to

himself, Why is Savanah being so nice to me it's not like she has a crush on me, besides she and

Mako has a crush on each other, or do they. When David was walking in the hallway, he heard

Savanah's father, Jefferson Hornato, talking in the phone about his plan to take down the

Hispanic's, "No, no I assure you everything is going exactly as planned, don't worry I have the

list on where we can find the Hispanic's," said Jefferson on the phone before hanging up. David

got up from peeping and was shocked to learn the truth. Savanah, Mako and Bolin were at the

entrance hall when David ran to the door. "I got to go," said David, "Now? But I thought..."

Savanah was cut off, "Sorry, I just remember I'm supposed to meet Aunt Toph and my dad

about the attack on the arena right now. Thanks again for the invite Savanah, see you around,"

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