The Truth Part Three

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David was so upset, because his father wouldn't let him go on missions or train because of Amon's attack and he wasn't brave or strong to stop him, but Mako, Bolin, Ruth, and Savanah gave him confidence. So with the help of his friends, David decided to go and defeat Amon, and save the Hispanic people. Bolin, Savanah, and Ruth went in the underground to free the Hispanic people, while David and Mako went inside an abandon house to find Amon, but when they went upstairs, they found Dylan lock in a cage and discovered that Amon is his brother.

"Amon is your brother?" Said Mako. "Yes, he is also a Hispanic like I am." Said Dylan. "What!" Said David ver surprise. "Did you know this all along?" Mako ask. "No, not until after he capture me," Dylan respond. "How did your brother end up becoming Amon?" David ask. Dylan started to tell them of his past, "It all began with my father, Scar, (Flashback) with the help of his former gang, he escaped prison and underwent surgery to change his appearance. He assumed a new identity, settle down to the South Pole, that's where he met my mother, warm carrying women. For long, they started a family together, Amon was the first born under the name Nathaniel, I was born one year later. Nathaniel was a good nature kid, always looking out for me, those were the good years. One day, on a cold windy night, our father took us to the mountain, where he reveal his identity and told us about his power. "Dad, what's power?" Ask young Dylan. "Power is a gift that you can only use with your bear hands, and I know that inside of each of you have that power, and I will teach you to master it," said Scar. "What happen to your power, Dad?" Nathaniel ask. "It was stolen by the chosen one (Even though it was God who took away his power but he took the blame on Victoria), you two most get my revenge, learn to use your power, and defeat the chosen one, that is your destiny," said Scar. "So our father
started to train us to use our power, but every time I use my power on animals, I felt hurt and
stop using it, but when Nathan use his power he felt nothing and kept on using it, which made
our father very happy and he became his favorite son. Every day, my brother's heart started to change, the brother that I love became a cold hearted person. One stormy day, our father order us to attack each other with our power, "Nathan go," said Scar, Nathan use all of his strength to attack Dylan, which started to hurt him, but hurting him Nathan didn't care and kept on, and then stop. "Dylan, your turn," said Scar, "No, I won't do it," said young Dylan, "Attack your
brother," Scar order him, "Then I'll feel awful, I don't want to use my power to hurt people. I don't want to use it ever again," said young Dylan, "You little delinquent. I'll teach you a lesson that you'll never forget!" Scar was about to hurt him until Nathan started to attack him, "Step away from him," said Nathan, "How dare you use your power to attack me!" said Scar feeling the pain, "What are you gone a do, you're the weak one, you said that the power of strength is more powerful, but it's not, the chosen one is, she took away your power. What could be more
powerful than that?" said Nathan still attacking Scar "I... made you... who you are... your mine," said Scar still feeling the pain, "We're your son's not your tools of revenge," after Nathan punches Scar in the face, he ran away, "Nathan, Nathan, don't leave me!" said young Dylan trying to stop his brother from leaving. Nathan disappeared in the snow, my father and I
search for days. We never found a sight of Nathan, he thought he perish from the storm. My mother was never the same. After the lost of my brother, my father stop training me. With Nathan gone, his hopes of revenge wither, and he past away a few years later," (End of Flashback). "That is one of the saddest story, I have ever heard," said David very upset of what
he had heard, "Chief David, I'm truly sorry for all that I did to you. I thought I was better than my father, but his spirit still shake me. I've became a soldier of revenge, just like he wanted me to be, and so did my brother. He may be a Hispanic, he may build an alliance, but I think that Amon believe that Hispanic people are everyone around the world is everyone's enemy and that they deserve to suffer," said Dylan. "How did you figure out that Amon was your brother?"
Mako ask, "When he attack me, the sensation was somehow familiar. I later recognize my brother's power." Dylan replied. "So he used his evil strength to kidnap my people, and the reason why he used the mask is to hide his true identity." said David, "I don't know how he does it, but I do know that he hates being a Hispanic, and will do anything to destroy our
people." said Dylan. "How in the world do we beat him?" said David, "We can't. Any attack, he'll redirect his mind that's how he's been able to attack any Hispanic." said Mako, "Well if we stay here were toast, but there's another way." said David, "How?" ask Mako, "This whole time, Amon has been one step ahead of us, but finally we have the advantage, we know the truth about him. If we exposed as a Hispanic in front of all citizens in Republic City, we will be able to take away his power." said David, "David, that's a great idea." said Mako. David looked at Dylan
and said, "Thank you." and Dylan nodded, Mako was about leave, but David stop him, saying,
"We can't just leave him. Besides, don't he deserve to have a second chance and be free from all his pain?" "And what makes you think we should do that to him, after what he did to you?" said Mako, "Well would you like someone to give you a second chance if you do something wrong to them," ask David which made Mako to change his expression, "Ok," said Mako. After
they free Dylan, David told him saying, "Go to the tunnels, there you will find the way out and get my dad and the police, and tell them everything of what had happen. Mako and I will take care of your brother," "Thank you David. Go, Amon and his gang must not know that you here, put an end of this sad story," said Dylan and they left. "Hey David before we go and stop Amon, I just wanted to say I'm sorry," said Mako "Sorry for what," said David, "You know for being
jealous of you, didn't Savanah said anything to you before we left," ask Mako, "Mako what are you talking about," ask David very confuse which made Mako realize that Savanah didn't told him the truth so he decided to keep it a secret, "Never mind let just go," said Mako, "Um... ok," said David while following Mako until they arrive to the place where Amon is talking to the citizens. David tried to convince the people that Amon is a liar and the he's a Hispanic too, but they wouldn't listen to him, and Amon started to attack him. Amon tried to weaken him saying, "You're weak, no wonder your mother left and she probably abandon you because she hates you," "No, my mother loves me, and she will never abandon me, and with God's help I will defeat you," said David and with that say, he defeated Amon with the help of God. The people wanted to stone David to death, but when they took Amon's mask off of his face, they realize that he is a Hispanic and David was telling the truth, so they arrested Amon. Amon try to escape but wasn't able because God took away his power. When David, Mako, Bolin, Savanah, and Ruth were heading back home, they were found by Sokka. "David, are you ok," ask Sokka, "Dad before you punish us, I just want you to know that we had to disobey you to save my people,
and we had to give Dylan a second chance besides it's not his fault that he had power to hurt people," said David, "Actually, I didn't came to punish you, I'm here because I have a surprise for all of you back home," said Sokka. David and his friends were confuse because they thought that Sokka was going to punish them, but they decided to follow him back home. When they arrive home they saw a thousands of people cheering for them, calling them heroes which
made them very happy, then Sokka gave the mike to David to speak. "Hello, I'm David, son of Victoria and Sokka, your new chief leader. I've come back to Republic City to protect it from evil, and I promise that I will find our lost chief leader and bring her back to Republic City," announced David and everyone in the crowd started to cheered, and Sokka gave the heroes
their metals and everyone cheered for them, "I'm so proud of you son and your mother would be too, Chief David," said Sokka, and from then on David and his friends started their adventure and hoping one day, they would find Victoria and bring her back to Republic City.

Stay toon for more of David's Adventure coming soon.

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