The Training and Tournament

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One morning, David heard that Republic City is having a Tournament tonight, so he ask his

father saying, "Dad, there's a Tournament that is happening tonight, can we go there please?"

"No David, you have to focus on your training, which reminds me it's time to start your training,

so let's go," said Sokka which made David very upset. When they started to train, Sokka try to

teach David how defend himself like how Ezra did to train Victoria, but every time he try he

keeps on failing. One night, David decided to sneak out to see the Tournament, while he was

looking around in the training area, he was found by his uncle, John Adam, Jr. John ask David

saying, "David, what are you doing here, shouldn't you be at home training." But David didn't

respond because he was afraid that he would tell his father that he sneak out, until his cousin

Bolin, youngest son of John Adam's, Jr. and Kitara, came and told his father that he invited

David to see the Tournament in order for David not to get in trouble. Bolin took David to get a

better view of the fight and introduce him to his brother Mako, oldest son of John Adam's, Jr.

and Kitara. When the Tournament was over, David ask Bolin if he can show him one of his

fighting skills so Bolin decided to show David one of his fighting skills before he head home. In

the morning, Sokka was still teaching David how to defend himself but David still kept on failing.

When David got angry, he started to yell at his father saying, "The reason why I couldn't learn

to defend myself is because you are a terrible teacher!" then he walks away very upset. One

night, David went to visit his cousin at the Tournament and saw them very upset. David ask

Bolin saying, "Bolin, what's going on," "One of our teammate quit because someone was being

too hard on him (looking at Mako), anyway if we don't find someone else we have to cancel the

show," said Bolin. So David ask him saying, "Hey, maybe I can be part of your team," said David,

"That's great but won't Uncle Sokka get mad," said Bolin "Not if you don't tell him what where

doing," said David, so Bolin and Mako agree to let David join their team and Tournament began.

When Sokka went to talk with David, he saw that he wasn't in his room, so he went to look for

him, but when he heard on the radio that David is fighting at the Tournament, he got so angry

that he went to get him. When the Tournament was taking a break, Sokka spotted David and

went to talk with him outside. He told him saying, "David you're grounded for one weak for

sneaking out and for coming into this Tournament. Come on lets go home,", but David refuse to

go home and went back inside to finish the fight. Sokka stayed to see David fighting and

thought that he was going to lose, but notice that he is defending himself the right way and

David and his cousins won the Tournament. Mako and Bolin thank David for helping them to

win and that they were impress of his skill, David knew he couldn't take all the credit, so he

went to apologize to his father for being mad at him. "Dad, I'm sorry for being mad at you. I was

upset that I couldn't be able to learn a new trick so quickly, that I gave the blame to you," said

David. Sokka told him saying, "I'm sorry too, I was trying to teach you about patient, that I lost

mind," "No hard feelings," said David "Of course not, by the way you were really good out there

tonight, you have finally learn how to defend yourself the right way," said Sokka. "Wait, you

stayed and watch," said David, "I did, that fight turn out to be the perfect teaching tool for you.

I'm so proud of you and your mother would be as well," said Sokka, "Thanks, come on dad let's

go home, all this fighting sure made me exhausted, by the way I join my cousin's team and

we're training tomorrow," said David. When they got home, Sokka realize that Victoria is part

of David because of his attitude and his fighting skill. Sokka didn't want any harm on his son, so

he ask God to watch over him during his training. 

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